Friday, July 6, 2007

* You Want Drugs, Try Morse Avenue - Part 2

A Photo Essay

BLOGNOTES: You Want Drugs, Try Morse Avenue - Part 1


Craig Gernhardt said...

Trivia question. Look closely. Can you guess which photo - a sale took place in?

E! said...

Why does this shopkeeper allow this to go on in front of his store? Is he involved in some way? Is it possible that the shopkeeper is a supplier? Is it possible that the shopkeeper is being paid off by the drug dealers?
BTW: Craig, which store is this?

Craig Gernhardt said...

Trivia question. Look closely. Can you guess which photo - the police drove by and the open air drug market salesman skadaddled into the store for cover?

Craig Gernhardt said...

Golden Mini-Mart - 1339 West Morse Avenue

rogerspark60645 said...

On Tuesday I stopped in front of Soo Liquors. A deal was going on right in front of the store. One kid was telling the other kid to be patient because they were dealing with crack heads. I’d had a few beers at the beach so I was feeling a bit mouthy. I went in and gave the owner an earful about harboring these guys out in front as well as in the store. I told him that the neighbors may start a petition to close him. All of the sudden his English got really bad. He got the picture but I don’t think he believed me. He probably thought I’m just a crazy blonde. Today I’m going to print out all relative hellhole material and drop it by his place.

Heart. said...

They look like a bunch of kids.

RP4Life said...

They look like bit players in a criminal conspiracy. Thugs is more like it.

SouthEvanstonian said...

What is it with these crappy little mini-mart things? Those pictures could just as well have been from J&S Food Mart on Howard Street (or, well, any number of businesses on Howard Street). These terrible little convenience stores attract thugs and loiterers, allow illegal activity on their property, and scare away decent folks. I think we should start petitions against THESE businesses too.

Toto said...

In Edgewater we give people train and bus fare to go do their drugs in Rogers Park. Ha ha ha.

DorothyParker007 said...

There truly is a difference in RP & Edgewater. Edgewater in 2005 had Operation Northern Pike, but it took 2 years to have it occur. It took down the last 4 gangs, south of Bryn Mawr & North of Foster. Gang activity has leveled down dramatically. Still Thorndale as well as other Winthrop/Kenmore corridor streets are active. Edgewater just doesn't have the quantity of young teenagers to young adults as RP. I drive down Sheridan to Evanston and you just have more people on the streets and a high concentraton of young people. Even Uptown doesn't have the actiivity RP does.

I really suggest that you take matters into your own hands and get a think tank together and try to come up with some plan, if possible. There might not be a plan to be had, but maybe more police dollars need to be in the ward. You have parks in several places, Circle Park, along Sheridan, Pot..and these are hotbeds.

Can't you call together Moore, the Cahmber, and the police commisssion and meet with them. Or if you can't here is where Don Gordon could take up. Seriously, try to make some effort here, its getting worst people, don't wait for Moore to set up, do it for him.

The North Coast said...

What Edgewater doesn't have is the really badly run low-income apt buildings that house lowlifes and the dregs that other housing won't accept.

What Edgewater has is well-run low-income and rent-stabilized buildings with an appropriate number of people occupying the apts and vigilent management. There are still a couple of bad buildings left, but they are pretty mild compared to what RP has.

Edgewater has this because it has an alderman who has notably low-tolerance for badly-run property. Mary Ann Smith did a wonderful job of cleaning up a number of really mistreated buildings on Kenmore, that were toxic to the neighborhood. Sometimes she is heavy-handed, but that is better than having an alderman who as much as invites social services to send his ward the "trouble" tenants who can't be placed anywhere else, as well as social services serving the most undesirable elements in the population.

Jocelyn said...

The real question is, how did you get those photos? Were you on the roof across the street? Inquiring minds...

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