Woo-hoo. Another blog success story. After being publicly humiliated on the 'Broken Heart' and Rogers Park Bench, the owners of the Red Line Saloon finally fixed the over six month old, broken window.
If you've got a problem that needs fixing, just e-mail us. We can't guarantee it will get this quick of attention, but unlike the alderman's office, we'll get right on it.
Power to the people! The pen (read keyboard) is mightier than the sword. Jolly good show, Craig.
Yea... I am completely convinced that the window was fixed because of the "Broken Heart."
Who knew you had so much power?
You have so much power that you were able to help your candidate win the aldermanic election.
Oh wait...
Actually, it was Michael James and Katie Hogan and corrupt union thugs and a souless political machine that had a major criminal hand in helping Joe Moore and his little army of immoral unethical dwarves steal the last aldermanic election - It certianly wasn't weakness on the part of Don Gordon or his people - as fine and decent a group of civic minded folks as have worked together in Rogers Park for a long long time. Michael James, Katie Hogan and Joe Moore have become the very people they were fighting against back in the 60's and the 70's. I believe that down deep inside of their tiny black hearts, they even know it.
I realize they stole the election fair and square in a time honored Chicago tradition. I give them credit - Lie, Cheat, Slander, Turn-Coat, Bribe, Threaten and Intimidate – bring in hundreds of thousands of outside special interest dollars, and thousands more of illegal off-book cash, and hundreds of outsider hired goons – pay for votes, load the polls with crooked election Judges and STILL need to play with 3 precinct machines downtown in David Orr's office overnight to patch together their theft – and finally, they needed to co-opt a judge - Jesus - bend a judge - with insider political pressure to get their way - I give them credit - they did what it took to sneak off into the night with the election – at a time where there is little enough left to steal from the people after a government full of Joe Moores is done whittling away at what used to be a great country. The soul of Bush/Cheney is alive and well in Rogers Park - they steal elections too ...
What a surprise Dave – the bad guys won.
You may think its funny that some people aren’t going to forgive and forget. You may think its fine that hypocrites, thieves and character assassins are running the 49th our Ward. But some people (a miscounted, under-counted majority – and everybody knows it) care about the future of Rogers Park. And the next few years look damn bleak with “Joe Moore Unbound” at the helm.
I know one thing for absolutely certain - all Joe Moore cares about is his paycheck, the constant flow of $$ contributions, and his political future. ......
You will need to deal with a cold abandoned empty feeling you are going to have, all by your little selves, the day Joe slinks off to screw with the future of the whole country instead of screwing with the future of a little backwater ward in Chicago.
Be proud you Joe Moore supporters. What did you "win" after all? It was just like cheating at solitaire ……
RPBooster (Retired)
yeah but no one gives a shit above gravel on the sidewalk, i guess its kindof an urban beach
funny what matters
and what doesnt
That window sure is pretty and PINK!
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