Monday, August 20, 2007

* Fagus/Moore Political Hack Gets SSA Mural Job

From the mouth of Mo Cahill.....> "I have been putting in more time in my studio, doing more political work... an actual job, tho temporary, may have landed in my lap. There is a local project to do a mural, hopefully the first of many annual projects. actual cash money."

BLOGNOTES: So, no wonder Fagus/Moore political helper Mo Cahill was so anxious to push the Special Service Area #24 mural project through without community input. She is actually going to benefit from the project herself, in the form of cash payments. Looks like that old saying is true. You help me get elected, I help you. Screw everyone else. It's becoming clear what the Special Service Area tax is used for in Rogers Park. It's to help out politically connected people.


Craig Gernhardt said...

The full Mo Cahill rant.

Craig Gernhardt said...

Mo says....> "the plan for this one is to slam at it, and get it done by the end of august"

Sounds like Mo just wants to rush this job through and doesn't care about the results.

Hillari said...

She said she's "glad she's married to one of the last guys who can support a family". He must be the only guy, because all the ones I know who are married have wives who work equally as hard. I guess that accounts for her being able to work on the mural in the first place, because she all the free time. Whooptie-doo for her.

been there said...

craig, you should take a bow. the reason i was at that meeting is that i saw it right here at the broken heart.
so, first you are crying that rp artists aren't included, then you are crying that an rp artist is getting a chump change stipend? have it both ways much? fyi it will probably about 40 hours of paid work, at $15/hr. wow, what a fortune. what a pay off.
and i defended cpag because i know who they are, what their mission is, and what they have accomplished. another concept foreign to you, i guess.

Unknown said...

Craig, once again you let your paranoia get the best of you. What, you think Joe is doing artist patronage? Regardless of who Mo supported in the aldermanic election, she's a local artist. She's got a sweet car, and it's funky people like her who make Rogers Park a great place to live. Unfortunately, raving paranoid jerks like Craig make it slightly less so.

Craig Gernhardt said...

Artist patronage, is still patronage nonetheless.

I have a problem with a solid and loyal political alley, who happens to be a handpicked and paid, election judge - getting a paid government contract just months after supporting Joe in a tight election.

Sounds very much like a hint of possible influence to me.

Wonder what the status is with the artist I told about the meeting. He showed up too. Did he fare as well as Mo in his bid for a mural contract?

And why did Mo shout down Michael Harrington when he asked about the children of Rogers Park getting involved in the project. Doesn't Mo like kids?

Plus, I've seen Mo's work, if she wants to rush a job through with that limited talent, that's a recipe for community disaster. I'd rather see Marcy's Wonder Bread Mural.

And why is it I have to tell all the local artists there's a mural project going on?

been there said...

actually, you haven't seen my work. you saw a low res jpeg. you don't need to have a degree from yale to know that that is not the same thing.
i like kids fine, it is bullies that i do not like. especially bullies that hide behind "the children"
you three bullies had your say at the meeting. you were soundly outvoted. take your blankie, and go home.

CNB said...

No, I'm shocked, SHOCKED! Mo "been there" Cahill a toady for The Man? Unbelievable!

Craig Gernhardt said...

Mo's favorites....> Cowards who hide behind children.

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