Some call her Diamond, but she looks more like gravel to me. Some call her profession prostitution. That's being gracious too. She's a Morse Avenue Crack Whore. That's what I call her. You can usually spot this nasty chick hanging around the open air drug market salesmen.
Diamond was seriously bent out of shape yesterday, giving a earful of foul language to a older black guy in beatdown alley. Of course it was over money. She said that she was going to fuck him up. Loud enough for everyone in the alley to hear it. She kept going on and on about fucking him up. Well, at least they were in the right alley for that.
I have been reading posts on this blog for over a year now and have never said anything... I am now.
My wife and I started at the Police Academy a few weeks ago. We are learning about what they put up with on a daily basis. It seems that a lot of people think the cops do not do enough and I will tell you this is not true. I really think the only way to cut down on some of the crime, is for the good people of Rogers Park to reclaim their streets. I am not saying to go out with guns or baseball bats, but to show a presence. I really don't think the 'open air drug market' is going to stick around if there is 10 or 15 people standing there with cameras... I really think that eventually they will find somewhere else to deal their shit (or maybe not).
The only problem with this idea is that it will take a lot of people and time. It may be a bad idea, but I think it is worth a shot.
I've seen her. She's crazy. An loud!
Crack me up! The new Rolling Stones song
Heavens to betsy, I think that nice girl is a friend of my Tommy!
Speaking of my Tommy, you internets people have made him so angry that he's now putting videos of himself up on the internets!
Please just leave my Tommy alone! You can see how angry he is!
And after they are confronted, when you are alone going to the store or work, they will pounce on you like a tiger. Unless your armed, you have put yourself in a great deal of jeopardy. Jails! Jails! Build prisoner tent camps, lock them up and throw away the key. Arresting them for an eight hour period isn't going to do it. The crews out there all have sheets that are 40 pages long!
The drunks, be they real-life couples or couples engaged in business transactions, seem to be having a last hurrah before the colder temps hit. It's been a little loud over on Ashland post midnight. Lots of yelling and screaming "you ho?" and lots of "f*&^ you!" in response. Mostly I think it's sad that there are people stuck in that kind of misery and anger.
She/They just need a few hugs.
Was this on the corner of North Shore and Sheridan? If so, I saw/heard it...at least the part where she said she "didn't give a FUCK about the baby!!"
No, but she does stay around this building too.
I think she showers in 6916 N. Lakewood. I see her go in there all smiles on Sunday mornings.
She is alternately sweet and angry. She is like a child really.
And she gives whores a bad name!
With all due respect to hmes, I do recognize that police officers have an extremely difficult and thankless job. I have worked in the criminal courts and I know just exactly what types of human filth the police deal with on a daily basis. But I also know that Chicago has approximately 12,000 police officers. It is, I believe the largest police force in the country (yes even bigger than LA and NYC). And I also know that 95% of officers on the force DO NOT DO THEIR JOBS! In Rogers Park alone, there are only TWO (2) officers that regularly write DUIs. The secretary of state says after midnight, 90% of people on the road are intoxicated. Why then, does our fair neighborhood only have two officers that give a crap? In the summer one only needs to go to the life guard shack at Pratt Beach to see just how little the police do in our neighborhood. Officers will hang out and talk amongst themselves for upwards to an hour at a time. Meanwhile dice games, drinking, and crack deals are all occurring just on the other side of the tennis courts.
Maybe it's the paperwork officers must complete after making an arrest. Maybe it's a fear of danger. Maybe it's the lack of support from superiors? I don't have the answer. But when citizens take actions and call 911, the police should respond and clean up places like the Block building. Unfortunately, that doesn't happen.
yep, a very lost, 'retarded' child.
def someone to laugh at
As much as I like to rely on "commonsense" I know it is not always correct. It would help us all, when tossing out a statistic, to take a moment to do a Google search (go to google.com) for the facts. I came up with this string of words - uniformed police officers United States cities. In the search window's exact phrase box I punched in "number of."
The FBI Crime Stats web site came up with scores of other sites. It has a 2004 report with charts on the number of uniformed officers and civilian personnel in most American cities. You can read the stats yourself at the following url... http://tinyurl.com/389ffc
New York City seems to be at the top with 35,513 officers and 16,822 civilians. Chicago reported 13,326 officers and 999 civilians. Los Angeles had 9,070 officers and 3,017 civilians.
Now, about the statement that 95% of officers on the force "do not do their jobs." Hmmm? A bit inflated? In every profession there are folks who aren't worth the price of the chair they sit in and keep warm all day. At the opposite end of the spectrum are those who do a great job and perform the work of 2-3 other colleagues as well. The majority of workers in a given field fall somewhere in the middle. Right?
If common sense were my only guide, I'd estimate that the majority of police officers are doing a heck of a lot. Common sense also tells me that Chicago would be more like Hell On Earth if they weren't.
I hope you all enjoy your warm and comfy homes tonight. Slippery slope people.
Think about it.
I first met this woman while she was pissing between 2 dumpsters out my back gate.
Usually when I see her, she's walking in the direction of the open air drug market.
there some thing about the police
on morse ave thats i dont like .
when they see the gang hangeng
arond the corner or front of the
besneses they drive whith out
moving them .
Armying the community isn't PEACE!
If everyone who reads this! blog would honestly look back at their life between. Don't you remember the TJO gang who went into a park when some fellas were playing 16inch softball. abd smacked this fella in the heaD WITH A BASEBALL BAT!
The victim spent some time in the hospital!
That is what as know as a Traumatic Brain Injuy!
Adolesacnc is such a difficult time! There we no TV Cameras! No Lawsuit! Just be well my son!
Can't parents pit in some stops and then can't the rest of us speak to these kids! Embrace them and tell them there are other more longerm options!
Too much hating! Feel the Love!
Charlie, I am thinking about it and I'm not exactly sure what you mean. Do you mean people shouldn't throw stones? Or that "there but for the grace of God go I?" or both or something else?
I usually look upon this person with compassion- her life is a train wreck. I would love to see her go to AA, but she probably doesn't want to. She probably has mental issues as well, which is part of why she doesn't get help.
I say hello to her. I know one woman who walks her dog in the park who has been repeatedly verbally assaulted by Diamond for no reason while she is walking her dog. I believe Diamond actualy hit her one time too. So, for some people Diamond is scary and dangerous.
I think you get my drift Jocelyn,
Just pains me sometimes the comments here. Mostly it's the comments that treat these people as nothing but trash.
Yes they are fucked up and yes they cause problems. They are still human beings who deserve some level of compassion.
Seems they are on par with "chip bags" as an annoyance to some.
Ah well, they will be someone elses problem in a few years.
I know you have a big heart Jocelyn. You are a voice of reason round here by and large.
Joe Moore's pal Charlie D. said....> "Just pains me sometimes the comments here."
I'm not forcing you to read them Charlie. If it pains you so much, go read your website comments instead.
Oh, that's right, you don't offer that feature anymore.
You right Craig,
What I meant to say is. WOW I just moved here from Lakeview and founf your Blog. You rock! If it were not for you nobody in the whole ward or city for that matter would have any clue about what "Really" goes in in the ward!
You are an exemplary human being and provide an excellent service to the community by making fun of Crack Whores and keeping it real by holding our elected officials and community leaders accountable!
You should really run for alderman Craig. I bet you might even get 150 votes!
PS If Joe and I are such good buddies, how come I don't get a Christmas card?
Watch out
Speaking of the cops -- I've seen more and more of them hanging inside the Loyola Park Fieldhouse on a regular basis.
When I arrived to go to the boxing gym last night, the fieldhouse supervisor was having a conversation with two blond female cops at the front registration desk.
Later, a couple of male police officers peered inside the gym to check out what was going on. They asked the coach several questions about the program.
Despite grumblings people have had against the RP police -- myself included -- many of them are doing what they're paid to do. I don't know if this blog has had some influence on their heavier presence at the fieldhouse as of late. If it has, then I give you your props, Craig.
I would substitute the word "most" for "many" in your post. The vast majority of these Police Officers are out there every single day doing a job that most cannot or would not do if even given the chance. The do it even though they work in a bureaucracy or system that puts obstacles in front of them everyday making their task that much harder, a bureaucracy in which the upper managment staff for the most part, is incompetent and has no clue nor cares about what is happening in the communities and will not support them or give them the tools to do their job and they do it in areas that the residents for the most part,look down upon them, don't really like them or want them there except when THEY need something. They do it even though they are outmanned, out gunned and extremely understaffed. They do it at all times of the day including during the middle of the night when most of us are snuggled up in our beds in a deep sleep, on weekends and on holidays. They do it even though they are part of a judicial system that does not want to incarerate repeat offenders and will everything it can to ensure that these offenders are NOT charged and when they are charged, will do everything it can to inconvience the Officer, embarrass him in court and dispose of the case one way or the other, justice be damned.
Boxing Tomboy- I hit the wrong button. They also do it in a society that is increasingly ant-authority, a society that encourages violence against women, minorities, gays and even the Police themselves. They work in a society in which the newsmedia watches their every move and will only broadcast negative stories about them or interview people who have an axe to grind and will say anything they can as long as it casts the Police in a negative light. They will do this KNOWING that the false and negative stories they report or interviews they broadcast will add nothing to society other than to raise their ratings and have an adverse impact on the Police.
All in all I'd say that MOST of the Police are doing a pretty good job.
Commonsense- DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT believe the nonsense about Chicago having 12,000 Police Officers working the streets. THEY DO NOT! It is probably closer to something like 9,000 that actually work the street. A substantial amount of those 12,00 Officers that you mentioned are tucked away somewhere in a support role working steady days, weekends off accomplishing nothing in places like the CAPS office, the Commanders office or at headquarters doing who knows what.It is not the largest force by any stretch of the imagination. New York has appx. 39-40,000 Officers. Once again, DO NOT believe the BS that comes from either 35th st. or City Hall.
I agree with you Big Daddy. The cops are hampered in doing their jobs by all of the things you mentioned and then some.
Her name is Amanda, and she claimed to have been a paramedic before she hit the rock. This was approximately 9 years ago. Sheridan and Pratt used to be her domain.
Craig, didn't I see you leave the FLop, I mean Top hat woth her before it closed.
Come on Craig, don't deny that, she's you're girlfirend.
Wouldn't it hurt her feelings if she knew you lied about her?
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