Monday, September 24, 2007

* Smoking Crack @ Peter Sterniuk's House

Exclusive Crack Whore Coverage

What a sour way to return from a great Sunday motorcycle competition. First was the pack of a half dozen or so open air drug market salesmen at Wayne and Morse, (Gang-bang Gyros) then this. Four sick fuck crack-heads, smoking their poison rocks. Rocks I'm guessing that were bought on Morse, from the open air drug market salesmen.

Check the dude out, he got one nasty hit. His facial expression is priceless. He just got wasted - BIG TIME!

Now, the crack whore who hangs with Diamond wants her hit of crack. Or she wants her crack pipe back. I'm not sure.

I couldn't help it. A close-up look at our neighborhood crack-head, looking like his stoned-out head is going to explode. What a loser.

BLOGNOTES: This activity took place at a single family home that got sold last year. The address is 1309 West Lunt. Peter Sterniuk and the Alderman's office held a community meeting telling us how great he is.

A year later, are we to believe Peter Sterniuk and Joe Moore have the best interest of the neighborhood in mind? Only if the neighborhood is full of crack-heads and crack-whores. These are the people who keep the open air drug market salesmen in business.


The North Coast said...

These photographs should help put to rest some cherished stereotypes of junkies as inevitably members of racial minorities.

Note that the assembled drug-addled losers are white and middle-aged. I see many such in my travels even though these are some of the saddest-looking.

If we can all get over our racial stereotypes, we might be able to get a handle on the violent crime, drug addiction, and social dysfunction that afflicts not only our community but every other in the U.S.

Toni said...

> Note that the assembled drug-addled losers are white and middle-aged

Let's repeat that phrase just so the liberals catch it.

The people in the photo are WHITE. Drug use/abuse doesn't discriminate - race or age.

Hillari said...

I'm a little amazed that they are out in public view with their rocks, but then, I shouldn't be. Drug and alcohol users don't have much of a sense of shame, and their addictions lend themselves to all kinds of selfish behavior.

Couch Captain said...

toni thanks for the repeat I was having mucho trouble understanding that there ARE white drug users, thank for setting us straight. Now somebody tell V&J

Oh you say liberals, does that make you a conservative? Just asking, cos I'm happy to be called a liberal, after all I still love FDR.

The North Coast said...

I love FDR, too, and consider that his extremely complex legacy is worthy of a lifetime of study.

You could devote a blog to discussing the effects, for better or for worse, of his centerpiece programs.

Hell, you could devote many 1000-page tomes to the life and work of FDR. Most people who have rigid, set opinions of this president have no idea the extent of his accomplishments, or how far reaching they were.

..or how very necessary he was and how he was in the right place at the right hour in that we would never have prevailed in WW2 if anyone else were president. It was true serendipity that he and Churchill were on the stage together at such a time, and I find their faults pretty forgivable in light of what they accomplished for the good of the western world.

taylor1940 said...

People should not do such business openly as its harmful for the youngsters of our nation.

Crack Cocaine

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