A note to the supervisor for Robert, the sleeping PACE worker. Morse Avenue isn't the best place to get caught up on some zzzzz's.
I'm wondering if the late start to the Cubs game caused Robert to cheat his employer out of company working time?
Any guess who funds his employer, who then gives Robert a check for sleeping on the job? From the best of my knowledge, it's us stupid tax-payers. That's right, sleep tight Robert. No one at the CTA is watching you. You're safe and sound to be as lazy as you want buddy. Keep sleeping.
Is this why CTA is increasing fares?
It is a Pace worker, not a CTA worker.
And maybe he/she was on break.
Dave said...> "And maybe he/she was on break."
Dave, I wouldn't have bothered Robert if this was a break, he was napping for over an hour.
FYI #1: With the motor running.
FYI #2: Maybe someone at the CTA wants to get to Robert before the IG does. That's what happened to the city workers who got caught on video earlier this month.
Craig, who/what is IG?
There are a lot of unknowns here, but just to the last point -- employees often take breaks in full view of customers. Consider how often you go to a grocery store and find staff smoking out front.
Is the grocery store funded by the tax-payers?
IG = Inspector General. Unless there is another IG.
Aaron is correct 60645.
I am SOOOOOOOO glad I don't work civil service anymore. The worst thing about it is that your mistakes are on display for the public to see, instead of hidden in a back office where you are out of public view, and the second worst thing about it is that the public is looking to carp at every little thing some low level hack is doing.
If the Pace snoopervisor's job has him on the road for 8 hours, where else WILL he grab a snooze on break?
Let's go after the people who are REALLY robbing us, like the state legislators who just voted themselves a 10% raise while wages and salaries in the private sector are down 1% from 1999(!!), and the aldermen of Chicago who gave themselves a nearly-20% hike some time ago.
Get the big fish, and the minnows will fall in line.
Craig, how much TIF money went into building the Dominicks on Howard? Just to pick an example. :)
Comparing napping on company time to taking a smoke break is like comparing elephants to dung beetles. According to Craig, this fellow was sleeping for over an hour. Now that may be an Alderman's idea of a proper length of time for a lunch break but I doubt it's anyone else's. This guy was caught gold bricking. As Stan Lee, President, CEO and Grand Poo Pa Pa of Marvil Comics likes to say, "'Nuff said!"
Was there TIF money involved in the Gateway project?
I was unaware, if it is so.
Anybody with evidence?
Hey Craig, long time reader, first time commenter. Actually it's not a comment as much as it is a request for help. A good friend of mine was hit by a car on Tuesday night on Sheridan and Jarvis. The lady kept going but luckily some people stopped to help him out. He's doing better after some days in ICU and should be heading home this weekend. The driver kept going and I was just wondering if by any chance any of your readers happened to witness the accident. Thanks and keep up the good work. Sorry for highjacking the comments section, I wasn't sure if I could email you. Thanks again.
Hey fenyx,
You should definitely email Craig about this, he'll probably make it one of his topics. That way it'll get a lot more views from people. You can alway email his with whatever you have questions or comments about, or if you want him to post something. Just let him know that you'd like for people to know about whatever, and he'll most likely put it up.
To "I live here too"
There certainly WAS public money involved in the construction of Gateway Center.
Gateway was funded by the Howard-Paulina TIF. TIF districts commit the "increment" of future tax increases to the developer of the project, and this city is bankrupting itself from a surfeit of TIF districts. There are now more than 150 TIF districts in Chicago, the lead developers of which will receive a monster share of future tax increases here, instead of those monies going to fire and police protection, schools, parks, transit, and other essential civil services and desirable public amenities we all benefit from.
When you see a new TARGET store or strip mall open, you can well believe your taxes helped fund it.
Something to think about if you are a business owner- your taxes are subsidizing the elephant-sized competition to destroy you.
Also something to think about if you are a strapped homeowner about to be blasted out of her house by taxes while the apt. owner on Sheridan gets $2MMM from the Loyola TIF to fix up his building for "affordable" housing.
Here is one reference:
However, if you do a Google or Yahoo search on "Howard Paulina TIF" you will find many more references to this TIF. There is a wealth of info on Chicago TIFs online and one of the best is Reader regular Ben Jaravosky's "Chicago Reader TIF Archive".
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