Monday, November 12, 2007

* Joe Moore the Underdog

Rogers Park Pedestrian said... "I was pretty down on Joe Moore until I became a regular reader of the 'Brokenheart' and the Bench. Now Moore seems like the underdog and I'm starting to think he's not that bad. Could anyone be as bad as they make him out to be?"


The North Coast said...

Joe as the "underdog", huh?


We are talking about a 5-term incumbant whose contributors include not only every slumlord in Rogers Park, but such giga-buck luminaries as actress Lorreta Swit and dept store heiress Myrna Kohls.

I wish I were an "underdog" that drew a salary of $118K a year, and had a pension locked in that guarenteed me 80% of my salary, while I slummified the neighborhood and opened the doors to social services that cater to the elements of the population that bring crime and drugs to the neighborhood.

been there said...

elements- nice euphemism there craig.

Philip McGregor Rogers said...

you arent counting all the kickbacks and all his investments
and percent ownership or interest in shady back door deals
that come with his aldermanship's station

DRD said...

I'm really sick of all the negative BS you assholes post about Joe Moore. It's ridiculous. My mom used to say, "if you can't say something nice, then SHUT the fuck up". Negative assholes.. shit.

E! said...

You shoulda listened to your momma.
Practice what you preach, chump.
Keeping your head in the sand won't change anything; making the activities of the Aldermoron transparent can.

INKJAR said...



DRD said...

I'm not saying he is a good guy or a bad guy.. But all the negative that comes from here turns me off. Do something positive with your time. Or if you are so damn smart, run for office and have him removed...

Unknown said...

if all the negative that comes from here turns you off...why do you even come here? that doesn't make much sense.

running, and winning, has little to do with being smart. one only needs to look at moore winning the last election, and our current president, to see that

DRD said...

then vote someone else in next time, obviously you guys did not pull for your candidate enough to get him in office. Better work harder next time. And then, when the new guy becomes alderman, you will bitch and bitch and bitch just like you are now. Bunch of bitchy queens. lol

Unknown said...

funny, the only one i see bitching here is you.

how do you know who anyone voted for?
how do you know moore isn't "my guy"

god forbid anyone expect our elected officials do their jobs.

Amazed in West Ridge said...

and if I may quote from the Chicago Tribune today in the earlier story about the city council and the pending vote on the budget....our esteemed Alderman:

"Ald. Joe Moore (49th) said Monday that he won't support the budget but declined to predict the outcome.

"From my vantage point, it's the combination of taxes and mounting scandals that have occurred over the years," said Moore, adding that he wants more resources channeled to the inspector general's office. "You just can't ignore the amount of dollars that have gone to finance corruption in the city."

Does that include the Streetscape, the shady land deal surrounding Gateway..and that's just off the top of my head.

This guy lives in a dreamy land, doesn't he?


Natas said...

Right on DRD.

Ink Jar, Shut up you old stale fart. If this blog had some actual truth instead of craigs constant "I don't like Joe Moore, so I am going to do everything to smear his good name" bullshit.

Is the current state of Rogers PArk All Joe Moores Fault?

I highly doubt it. from David Orr, and before him to Neil Hartigan, and Joe Moore, and countless others that have slowly let this area become what it is.

Remeber The big section 8 housing thing here in the 80's, inviting every piece of shit to Rogers Park, forcing out those who, even though had been here for years, several culturally diverse areas, and now, well, Rogers Park is Prime Real Estate, as the final apartments get turned into condos, old houses torn down to make way for condos, the last of the affordable and developable real estate on the north side of Chicago.

But Joe Can't fully be blamed, Blame him for what he has done or has not done, but the condition of Rogers Park is something he cannot be held fully accountable for - it goes above him and before him. To the police the city assigns to our "police station" when there are brand spanking new facilities in Chicago, like the one on lincoln, that Craig is familar with, yeah, I heard (sorry boss) just waiting to take in all the criminals, staffed with some of the youngest, trained with the newest techneques, and we get the 24.

Why doesn't the city do something about that?

Why doesn't the CITY assign more cops over here, or replace the fat, lazy, coward like pieces of shit they call police that we have in the 49th ward?

Is this All Joe's Fault?
Does he make the Chicago Police duty assignments?

Or buildings, is Joe Fully responsible for every condo that goes up in Rogers PArk?

Remeber the Rogers PArk Builders Comitte? or he other groups that get their say and chime in, why did they all allow the new uproar of condos?

Because it's going to bring their property value up once Rogers Park turns into the next Wicker Park, Lakeview, or Andersonville.

That's why.

So All Joe Moore's fault?


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