Wednesday, November 21, 2007

* Racist and Sexist Slurs Okay with City Human Resources Board

"The inspector general and everyone found him guilty enough to fire him, why would you want to bring him back?" co-worker Miguel Vargas said. If that ain't clout, what is it?" Read this unbelievable story and discuss if you care to.


Hillari said...

Sounds like a clear case of clout to me. When I worked for the City of Chicago, there were plenty of employees who got away with horrid behavior simply because of their connections. The more power an employee's clout had, the more of their bad behavior was overlooked. Sadly, this latest incident is not much of a surprise. It's business at usual at City Hall.

Dr O said...

Off the subject, but I noyiced this morning a city worker on the corner of Sheridan and Greenleaf in his backhoe. He's been there for over 2 HOURS reading his Sun Times paper.
I am SO glad my taxes are going up in the city so they can afford to have this guy read his paper.
I called the city and after several transfers I FINALLY found someone working today (the IG) to file my complaint, so hopefully they'll send someone. I've got pics if anyone would like to see your taxes hard at work.

Craig Gernhardt said...

Yes, I would.

Big Daddy said...

If you all were REALLY upset about the graft,corruption, ghost payrolling, employees doing nothing for hours and waste etc., etc., then you would not continually re-elect people like daley and stroger. Until then, AFAIC, your only releasing hot air into the atmosphere.

The North Coast said...

Hey, I didn't vote for Daley or Stroger.

A few notable people in this ward fought the good fight against Stroger at least. They did it loudly and publicly.

But is there anyone who can unseat Daley? His opponant was a good woman, but her campaign was so weak and half-hearted that it's as though she felt the whole thing was futile.

Or, perhaps, her potential backers felt that it was a futile quest and therefore decided to save their dough for a fight they felt they had a chance to win.

Most folks in this city love da mare and all his monument-building projects.To them, crap like the el "super" station (in the absence of decent rail service) and the Olympics, are "progress" and testament to Chicago's glory.They don't count the cost of this crap. For some strange reason, the 'greenies' lap up his bullshit about making Chicago the greenest city in the country. The suburban power brokers love him, which is reason enough to get rid of him.

If we seriously want to unseat our brainless booby of a mayor, we need to get started NOW, because there are monumental obstacles to getting anyone else elected.

Big Daddy said...

Maybe you didn't Northcoast, but I would like to see what percentage of the registered voters in RP did.

fatoldbroad said...

Northcoast - Daley is not a "brainless booby." You will not fix the problems of Chicago by calling a smart, skilled politician playground names.

been there said...

so rush limbaugh should be what? stoned? oh yeah, i meant, hung? no not that. fired? yeah, that's it.

Natas said...

And they're ok with me to Faggot!

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