Tuesday, January 29, 2008

* Heather, Be Specific

Heather's Newest Mailer - The Issue: Schools

Dear Heather, Hi, it's me, the guy with the blog. The last time I sent you some questions to answer, you had a surrogate deliver your message. This time I figured instead of dealing with a toadie, I'd just post it here instead.

If you don't want to answer, you can have one of your many campaign workers who read this site do your work for you. Or you can just ignore the questions - and pretend they didn't exist.

The reason I'm asking is, my readers would like to know. A couple e-mailed me to ask you. And, please, let's be specific.

* How much were you paid to be a consultant for Paul Vallas and the Chicago Public Schools?

* When did you work as such consultant and what was the consulting firm called?

* How were you chosen to be this consultant? Was it a bidding process?

* Where are your written, documented findings that raised the standards and accountability of our public schools?

* How were these programs you implemented, working in today's current school system?

Bonus Issue Question: Let's talk local issues, in real life terms. Real families, real children. Tell us what you would do with Senn High School? I'm sure you've got to know what's going on there. Right? If not, you can ask one of your political endorsers to help you out.

Again, be specific.

Suzanne Elder, you can join in also. What would you do to help solve the current issues facing Senn High School?


That Blogger


Hugh said...

so heather

where did you send your kids?

Craig Gernhardt said...

That's a great question Hugh. For someone who claims to have fixed the public schools through her consulting - I sure hope it's a public school.

I got a response from the Elder campaign about the Senn issue I'll share tomorrow.

Fire Ron Guenther said...

How can Heather call herself a progressive and yet donate to Republicans?

'Broken Heart' Past Blogs