Tuesday, January 15, 2008

* Pot Holes on Sheridan are Killing Cars

If you're wondering why there are dozens and dozens of hub-caps lying around the Pratt and Sheridan corner? It's because of the dozens of pot-holes from Farwell to Pratt. One such car literally fell apart last Friday night. 911 was called. Yesterday, I witnessed two people changing flats just south of Pratt on Sheridan, after hitting one of the dozen craters on Sheridan. Be careful of flying hub-caps too.


rogerspark60645 said...

Interesting that you posted this. I was going to send you an e-mail about these today. I take Sheridan every morning and am forced to jog around these. Also, has anybody seen the building at 6910 N. Sheridan? Check out the storage area on the red awning above the front door. Ghetto.

nico said...

bet there are no potholes in back-of-the-yards

rogerspark60645 said...

Whatever that means...

The North Coast said...

This is NOT what I would call appropriate traffic-calming.

A surprise pothole causes great damage and could cause a very destructive accident.

The streets around here look worse all the time. Time for the aldercreature to stop helping to allocate dough we scarcely even have for TIFs and da mare's monument-building projects, and divert it to the essential stuff we need, like safe, solid infrastructure.

God knows what condition the sewers and watermains are in.

Gunga Dean said...

"Holes in the Ground" seems to be the meme of the week.

Today, I counted 11 hubcaps. But they were so close together I thought maybe a petty larceny foiled.

My apologies to the neighborhood.

At least until the next larceny, grand or petty, unfolds...

Besides the graft and cronyism that creates these conditions.

rogerspark60645 said...

That strip of Sheridan in front of the Village theatre is THE WORST. I got to work at Loyola today and have a flat tire. I wonder how that happened?

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