Friday, February 29, 2008

* "Crime is Down" on Jarvis

Jenn said... "One more report on the "Crime is Down" front. I'm very sad to report that Taste Food & Wine on Jarvis was broken into overnight. I walked by at 6:15am this morning, and the door glass was shattered. A police car was parked outside, and the lights were on, so I hope the thieves did not get much. 

Its disappointing every time that we get a good business in the neighborhood and inevitably they are baptized by the neighborhood in this manner."


Anonymous said...

Jarvis wine should have looked into installing metal security bars.

Anonymous said...

in europe they have metal sliding doors like garage doors that cover the entire shop front

that would completely eliminate broken glass at night

Amy R said...

Dammit! Hopefully, this won't deter them. I am a faithful customer & want them to stay.

Unknown said...

And right across the street from Joe's office. That's nice.

Jenn Sutherland said...

Joe's office is going to be my next call this morning - who wants to join me?

The North Coast said...

This is too sad. My sympathies to the new business owner. I hope his insurance doesn't get jacked up because of this.

The metal sliding garage-type doors are also used in many U.S. neighborhoods AND shopping malls.

A pull-down grate inside the store is another solution.

Anonymous said...

This sux!!! Unless I was sellin' Chor Boy I'd never open a biz in RP.

Anonymous said...

Funny, Joe's office doesn't have security bars, either. But then I guess he doesn't need to worry. I'm sure he doesn't keep the cash there. That would be kept in his home, where I'm sure he's got a top notch security system (what with Craig and Hugh and all the other haters around).

Jenn Sutherland said...

I think Joe's security system is his un-salted sidewalks - I fell in front of his house this morning on the way to the train. :)

Anonymous said...

does joe even live at his supposed rogers park address? I walk by there quite often, and never seen any lights on, activity, etc.

well, except when he's having backyard parties during the summer.

he probably lives someplace where sidewalks get shoveled during the winter.

does he own that property just to satisfy some political requirement?

Anonymous said...

I hope that this doesn't discourage the wine shop owners from moving. They'll just have to beef up security. I don't see alot of metal sliding doors but I think they're acceptable, even metal bars for that matter. Like many NYC businesses, my dad has had metal doors for his Manhattan storefront for decades. I think Chicagoans are either too lax, unaesthetic, or cumbersome. The only possible drawback with the metal doors is graffiti.

Anonymous said...

This comment from joey moore e-maill today! You will notice joey again takeing credit by useing the "I" did this! All things that are good it's because of "I" joey moore! Read & enjoy

"I have been working with the city of Chicago's Department of Housing to create affordable condo purchase opportunities through Chicago's Partnership for Affordable Neighborhoods program (CPAN). CPAN represents a partnership between my office, the Department of Housing, local developers, and the Rogers Park Community Development Corporation (RPCDC) to create and deliver affordable condos to low and moderate income first time home buyers.

In return for my support for a zoning change, I have required condominium developers in developments of ten units or more in the 49th Ward to set aside at least ten percent of their units for the CPAN program. Other developers who don't need a zoning change also have participated in the program at my urging."

MadeInRogersPark said...

This is really a heart breaker!
Jarvis Avenue shopping area back in the day was a place where everyone knew you name and everything about everyone in your family.
Then the downturn and recently an upturn. It totally amazes me how nomoore doesn't take a more positive stance to violence and criminal damage to property.
I am really sad about the recent occurence of violence.
I do like the idea of the aluminum garage doors. the only persons who will see the graffitti themselves as when business is open the doors will be up and hidden.

Anonymous said...

If Joe was honest, he'd take credit for neglecting crime in the hood instead of lying about crime decreasing.

Jenn Sutherland said...

Well, one thing we can do is to support the new shops and restaurants with our business, so they will stay here. Taste has free wine tastings on Monday & Friday nights - see you there!

Anonymous said...

what's wastegard's spin on this? i'm anxiously awaiting a sound byte on this one. (somehow the owners must be negligent)
do you think he will ever have the stones to open his blog to anonymous comments?

Craig Gernhardt said...

I started allowing anonymous comments a couple of weeks ago because there had been a rash of new anonymous satire Hell Hole bloggers.

I figured it'd be easier to keep track of them in one place if I gave them a voice here.

For the record: SInce then, these anon bloggers haven't had much luck keeping their sites updated on a regular basis. They're too busy leaving comments here. The master plan worked.

Although, I do miss the Albion Hell Hole. I wish Ginderske would start his blog up again.

rogerspark60645 said...

"It totally amazes me how nomoore doesn't take a more positive stance to violence and criminal damage to property."

I agree. It's amazing.

Craig Gernhardt said...

It's because crime is down.

RP4Life said...

All of that security costs $$$$. Those stupid store owners should have known better than to open a business in Rogers Park without a security system. The owners should probably report this to their C.A.P.S. repersentitive. That will deter the criminals. Yea C.A.P.S.

Anonymous said...

crime is not down because cops dont make arrests anymore. they move them along like cattle to the next corner.

Anonymous said...

But your pal Natas has not stopped blogging

Anonymous said...

Wine store should have demanded their landlord provide better security. I hear he's handy with a baseball bat.

Anonymous said...

JoMo's approval rating must be looowwww or he's still campaigning. He's sent out a lot of email blasts this week saying virtually nothing.

Jenn Sutherland said...

Thanks to everyone who came out to Taste last night - there was a really great turnout for the tasting, and it was great to see everyone coming out to support them.

Talking to one of the partners, she said that the thieves were just looking for money - there was none, and only grabbed a cheap bottle of sparkling wine on their way out the door. They were very relieved that they didn't make a mess or destroy anything in the shop. A small blessing for a shocking start to their day.

Anonymous said...

Jarvis smells like piss.

Anonymous said...

They got lucky. Could've been worse.

Anonymous said...

Cops were chasing some punks in Pott Park today.

Kheris said...

I was at Gruppo last night for dinner and saw the door over at Taste. Heard the story. Gruppo's cameras caught the perp but may not be enough for an identification. A shame too. They aren't in a hurry to leave and the chalkboard outside had a humorous comment which makes be believe they will weather this.

Anonymous said...

Craig, come over today in the rain and take a look at the moat that Joe's building on Jarvis so people can't get to his office.

Hugh said...

"I have been working... "

"I have required ... "

what a crock of shit

Notice Mooore doesn't actually SAY anything!

next ask Moore, where are these CPAN projects in your ward? how many zoning changes have you done for developers?

how many of them are on paper as opposed to actually putting a roof over someone's head?

how many of our neighbors are actually living in CPAN condos?

during the time period of the CPAN program how many hundreds of families have you run out of their homes with condo conversions in your ward?

The North Coast said...

Hugh, as a moderate-income potential condo buyer, I highly resent the CPAN program even though it is OSTENSIBLY for the benefit of people like myself.

It is so egregiously unfair and is moreover one more socialistic prop to overinflated housing prices, and it does not serve to help people like myself.

The best way to help moderate-to-middle buyers, and the absolutely best way to help the working poor permanent renters- a category of people for whom I have the utmost sympathy- is for all federal, state, and local housing authorities to just, ah, disappear. Cease to exist.

Why is CPAN unfair?

Well, for starters, it can only include a tiny minority of the homebuying population who qualify for the program. These folks are lottery winners, and everyone else loses out.

Secondly, the difference in price between the "market" price and the CPAN price has to be subsidized either by the taxpayers, the developer, or other buyers who are buying at the market price and paying more to offset the CPAN discount.

Worse, the CPAN buyer will end up in a dwelling that is otherwise beyond his means. Let's say you buy a condo that would sell for $210K for, say, $140K as part of the CPAN program. You will still be paying taxes for a more expensive dwelling than you could otherwise afford, and you will also get hit with a larger assessment and utility expense than perhaps you could afford.

However, the worst aspect of the entire thing is that it forces poorer people who can't touch ownership, and moderate-to-middle buyers who buy within their means at the "market" price, to help people better off than them into dwelling that usually go way beyond minimal housing.

I'm tired of socialistic gimmes for people who often make 50% more money than I do- you can have a combined income of up to $100K a year and participate. CPAN buyers are distinctly not poor, and I don't feel that some people are entitled to a taxpayer-subsidized discount on a premium new dwelling while we have so many people who fall through the housing cracks altogether, such as the severely mentally ill who panhandle me from Wilson clear up to Thorndale when I walk home in the summer.

The same mentality that birthed the CPAN program and city housing grants and other gimmes for the not-too-bad-off has also infected our national politicians with their proposals for bailouts for morons who bought over their heads and helped drive housing prices in this country to a point where there is not the slightest relationship between them and local fundamentals like rents and incomes.

So let's pull all the socialistic props, starting with the ludicrous FHA programs that helped empty out our cities in the 50s and 60s and helped my extremely young parents get in over their heads in a far-flung suburb in a low-quality house, and then move on to all the other government gifts to the housing industry that pose as benefits for the middle classes, like FNMA and GNMA guaranteed loans, and local housing programs that subsidize home ownership, like CPAN and city grants and loans. If you can't get private financing, maybe you aren't ready to own.

Home ownership is something you have the right to earn but it is not something that should be guaranteed and it's not even a universal good.

lafew said...

Where is anonymous from, anyway? Andersonville or Highland Park? Pick your poison, we have no clue. Craig, just a suggestion, if anonymous wants to promote commercial property outside of Rogers Park, then this is a good pulpit to do so. It your choice, but anonymous seems to love to focus on red herring, not reality. Anonymous, you can suck on that fish until you keel over from atherosclerosis and hypertension, but if you don't like the hood, just take a hike and leave us here.

lafew said...

On keystone cops and Pottawatomi Park, sometimes race more than reality becomes a factor. The 24th District is a training ground for inexperienced white cops. Whether you really appreciated, noticed or really saw what you claimed to see is another story? Why so pessimistic and prostrated. Do you really want to live here or have you already left and are looking for a few clients in a real estate market that has dried up like bangos in a Manila Fish market?

Dennis said...

Perhaps they just needed a nice full bodied Sangiovese at 3am?

No, wait, wrong crowd.

They probably thought it was still Jarvis liquors and were hoping to get a quart of Popov and some lotto tickets.

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