Wednesday, February 27, 2008

* Morse Avenue Still a Hell Hole

Not once, but twice yesterday, Joe Moore sent out his annual 'Crime is Down' email blast. I'm sure most of you got yours.

Do you guys really believe his crap? Quote Joe.
Beat 2431--the Morse Avenue area (bounded by Lunt, Farwell, Clark and the Lake)--experienced the greatest percentage reduction in crime in the district. Once a neighborhood hot spot, Beat 2431 had the fewest index crimes of any police beat in the 24th District, with 312 incidents in 2007.

Well, holy shit. Crimes down... Again. Really, Joe? Tell us Joe, how many times did the police DISPERSE THE CRIME instead of ARRESTING THE CRIME in CAPS beat 2431?

* I would like to know how many Drug Dispersal's were coded out on CAPS Beat 2431 - Morse Avenue in 2007? Basically, how many times did the police just move the drug dealers to another corner or street, instead of making a arrest.

If you don't know what I'm talking about, ask Commander Rottner. I'm pretty sure they keep track of these critical stats.

How many times were the police called to break up fights, but not arrest any of the fighters? What the bottom line here is, most of the 911 calls for crime result in no arrests.

Zero tolerance is non-existent. You can still find choir boys out front, drinking the 24 oz. Malt liquors and cheap half pints. Don't believe me, take a walk down the 1400 block of West Morse after 5 PM. This lousy business snubs it's nose at you fools and your specially drawn up rules.

And, I'd like to know why Sub Brothers (1417 West Morse) and Soo Liquors (1420 West Morse) still have choir boys hanging out drinking, then fighting and hiding inside of these businesses when the police are called for disturbances? I'm sure the police keep these stats.

In one case last week, when the police arrived to break up a gang fight at Sub Brothers, the owner allegedly let some of the Boy Scouts escape by running through the kitchen and out the backdoor. As the police officer said to dispatch afterwards, "I think they're {gangs and store owner} are in cahoots with each other"? Translation, these businesses are harboring what Joe Moore calls the "crime and social disorder that occur on and around Morse". Morse Avenue is still a Hell Hole.

Blognotes: Despite what DevCorp North, CAPS 2431 beat facilitator Kevin 'Full-of-Shit' O'Neil or Joe Moore will tell you, Soo liquors is still selling products these losers bragged they got Soo to stop selling.

And, check out the contract. They are FORCING SOO LIQUORS TO JOIN DEVCORP NORTH! Get that. FORCING THEM! Talk about strong arm MOB tactics.


Anonymous said...

Lets face it joey lies to the people because he can, because most people in the ward believe joey, fact is most people believe joey because he gets re-elected.

joey is a lie, joey care less about the people of the ward, as I said watch joey when he is talking to people on the tapes posted here, joey appears nervous, he get look people in the eye. joey has his clan of goofs, david fagus, little kevin o'neal etc. these people sell us a spin that is let's face it joeys words mouthed by joeys stooges.

Anonymous said...

wtf. if they know their dealing drugs why not arrest the bastards?

Anonymous said...

There isn't a night I don't walk past this scummy place where I don't see at least 10 menacing looking thugs eyeing my boobs and making rude comments about my booty as I walk past.

Craig Gernhardt said...

Anon - 7:55AM. We have a winner. Comment of the day! LOL.

Just have one question. Do they ask you if "you're straight" too?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

How can DCN force a business to do anything?

Anonymous said...

hey craig, remember what happened a year ago? JoMo couldn't get half the voters to vote for him.

INKJAR said...


Anonymous said...

Joe is a ho

rogerspark60645 said...

Craig, What's a Chor Boy?

Also, I stopped going to Soo and I let him know exactly why on the last day I went there. I told him I wouldn't be back because of the scum and dumb ass drug dealers out in front. This Monday at 3:15 in the afternoon I stopped at the liquor store under the Morse El. There were 7 dealers out in front. One of the guys was giving the others instructions on how the deal should go down. I got back into my car and headed west on Morse. A squad car was parked in front of Washington Mutual facing east so the officers could easily see what was going on. They did nothing. Business as usual. In the past I have pointed these events out to the officers but why do I have to point out the obvious? (Craig, you may still have the link to the story I sent you a few months ago where the choir boys were smoking pot in the Washington Mutual parking lot. When you posted it people mocked me for pointing out teenagers smoking pot out in the open).

Anonymous said...

I think it's against the law to force someone to do something they don't want to do. Like taking down security grates.

Anonymous said...

So the bars come off the place gets broken into. What then?

Craig Gernhardt said...

Just listening to the scanner. We've had two narcotics dispersal's in CAPS beat 2431 in the last 20 minutes.

Craig Gernhardt said...

rogerspark60645 said... "Craig, What's a Chor Boy?"

I think they mean Choir boy, but spelled it wrong.

Anonymous said...

"The most brilliant propaganda technique will yield no success unless one fundamental principle is borne in mind must confine itself to few points and repeat them over and over and over''
-Joseph Goebels, the Nazi minister of Propaganda.

Anonymous said...

OK Craigie Poo Poo, The Pic you took of Soo was AFTER HOURS - how can they control what happens outside of their store after hours when they are not in the store?????

This problem lies to the Police, and the issues about dispersal rather than arrest, the late night crap in front of soo should maybe be addressed to the Commanding Officer @ the 24.

But you can't do that - don't you have anything better to do with your time than sit in front of a scanner and computer bitching about the world?

Get up and do something productive rather than destructive

Anonymous said...

crime is down..... crime is down..... crime is down....crime is down..... crime is down..... crime is down....

Anonymous said...

I laugh when I receive these emails. Did you get the one where he took credit for the Morse Threaer and Century Pub? How many times is Joe going to do that? They're not even open yet.

Anonymous said...

dispersals are up ... dispersals are up ... dispersals are up ... dispersals are up ... dispersals are up ... dispersals are up ...

Anonymous said...

I thought Craig was referring to "Chore Boy"(tm), an instrument to create screens for glass crack pipes, favored among our neighborhood crack heads, and widely available in our wonderful neighborhood package liquor stores, . And being the productive and valuable constituents they are (in election season), Joe and friends do their level best to keep plenty of Chore Boy on hand for their crackhead friends.

ck said...

I want Craig to run for alderman next time-- We need a ballbuster to clean shit up.

Craig Gernhardt said...

You know of any donors who can pony up about a 1/2 million dollars in campaign contributions by 2010?

Anonymous said...

Hey maybe the cops don't track drug dispersals because it's NOT A CRIME! I heard the stupid Supreme Court struck down the gang loitering law so cops are stuck with doing those dispersals. Damn shame they can't arrest da bastards, but they can't really classify it as a crime when the courts say it's not illegal to hang out on a corner.

Your civil liberties at work!

Craig Gernhardt said...

I'm positive if these choir boys were on the corner of Michigan Avenue and Oak Street peddling dope all day, they wouldn't be dispersed. They'd be arrested. That would be classified as a CRIME!

Anonymous said...

Graig, your corect Michigan & Oak is a tourist area, many out of town people hang around that part of the city ( as we all know)

So of course the police are told to keep certain parts of the city "cleaner" then Morse ave.

Don't see alot of tourist gawking around Morse .

Big Daddy said...

Yes Craig, if the "choir boys" were standing around Oak and Michigan and absence of any criminal activity, they too would be dispersed, IF that were a Gang or Narcotic dispersal area. Your missing the point of the dispersals. They are not designed to replace investigations. They are designed to get these gangsters off the street when there is no evidence that any criminal activity is present. They are tools, nothing more. For instance. Say there is a location that we all know is a drug spot. Based upon certain criteria, it may be designated as a Narcotic Hotspot. The beat officer arrives on the scene, looks around but can't find the dope. He then "disperses" those who are at that location because that's the best thing he can do at that time. Those that are selling the drugs may be out at the particular time he arrives or it may be so well hidden that the beat Officer just can't find it. It would be nice if the Police Dept. had an unlimited number of undercover Officers to properly investigate these matters but they don't. Because they don't, the Officers use this TOOL to help combat the drug problem.

blue collar said...

The police are stuck with the dispersals because of a little thing called civil liberties.
If the officers were to walk up and put a stop to the dealers they would go limp and cry harassment before the squad car doors even opened up.
On what grounds do you stop a dealer? Because he looks like a dealer? Dresses like a dealer? Talks like a dealer? You sir are talking about the evil of evils "Racial Profiling"! Sure bitch that the police don't do anything and then yell and scream when they do (pull you over after you rolled that stop sign [and you know you did it]). You can't have it both ways.

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