Friday, February 1, 2008

* Out of District Supporters for Steans

This says a lot about Heather's support in her district. Heather's latest D-2 report has 170 itemized individual contributions totaling $140,450.00 from 11/2/2007 to 12/31/2007.

Seven (7) of the 170 contributions came from inside the district, totaling a paltry $2650 dollars. Only seven contributors inside the district.

Okay, there were eight. She also got one contribution of $2,300 from hubby, Leo the lobbyist.

Total contribution inside the 7th district -- about 5 grand. If Heather had to rely on the support of insiders to fund her campaign, she would have been lucky to have bought one mailer.

So, where did the bulk of the money, ($135,000 and some change) come from? Outsiders.

It proves the outsiders have a far more vested interest in the Steans campaign than we do. Far more than the voters in our own district.

If money from outsiders shows her support in the 7th district voters eyes, then Heather should win in a landslide.


Pamela said...

It pains me to say this but the reality is that it is impossible to compete successfully in local elections without significant funding. Small local donations don't provide enough. So whether alderpersons or house or senate reps, they have to go out of their area for contributions. Even Don Gordon, who ran a very successful local campaign and was able to raise a decent amount of money locally, had to depend on the largess of outsiders to be able to compete. Without some of his bigger campaign contributors -- who lived outside the ward -- the race would not have been as close as it was. Conversely, Joe was able to take the prize exactly because of his well funded coffers, the bulk of which was provided by outsiders.

I don't like this state of affairs and wish that we would implement reform. IL is the wild wild west of campaign financing. What bothers me most is not candidates seeking out and accepting outside funding (how else are they going to get enough $ to win?) but that outside influences can provide so much funding as to buy an elected official. Even if the elected person says "oh, no, I'd never be bought" it doesn't look good. Acknowledging a conflict of interest does not make the conflict go away.

On the Heather v. Suzanne contest: my take is that they are both decent candidates. I know Craig has his favorite and is doing all he can to help her -- as one does if one is passionate about a candidate. But my take is that this is one election where the voters win regardless of who gets elected -- insofar as either of the candidates are able to accomplish anything given the morass that the IL legislature is. I have my doubts that either of them will be able to effect any real change.

Vote on Tuesday (but don't vote often!)and be sure to say "thanks!!" to those election judges who keep the polls running smoothly. And do report any shennanigans if you see them.

Anonymous said...

Dear Rogers Park/7th Senate District Neighbors,

We’ve got two well-informed senatorial candidates seeking our support.

It’s clear that Suzanne Elder has the leg up in experience when it comes to work on grassroots, neighborhood-based issues.
The “Elder Advantage” is that she also brings strong experience in state legislative work on initiatives that matter to us. Suzanne Elder’s understanding of the problems with and her vision for reform of TIF oversight, taxes, marriage equality, and public education funding are a winner.

Finally, and most important of all, Suzanne Elder’s commitment to ACCOUNTABILITY to us, to the voters – and not to political luminaries with clout and fat wallets – makes this an easy choice.

That’s why on Tuesday I will vote for Suzanne Elder. Punch #36 on the Democratic Ballot.
Peace, Michael J. Harrington

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