Wednesday, February 20, 2008

* Stuck in Iceberg Alley

Yesterday I helped one asshole get out of this frozen lake that's formed in my alley. It took about ten minutes. And when I got his car out, he splashed me and drove off without a word of thanks. About 3 hours later, it happened again. This time to a Elite Security Guard. It took him and his friend 40 minutes. At the 1 minute 25 second mark of the video you can see his buddy take a tragic slip, falling on his ass and in the little ice lake.

Then, again this morning, this car got stuck and is still lodged in the ice crevice. After my encounter with the first rude fuck who got stuck, I decided to stay warm and dry - recording the action for your pleasure. After 20 minutes of this losing battle, the driver finally decided to leave the car stuck in the Iceberg - and just walked away.


Anonymous said...

This somehow HAS to be Joe's fault.

Anonymous said...

Did it ever occur to you that the driver that splashed you may have been someone you've chopped down with your axe?

Anonymous said...

is a sewer clogged? how'd it get this bad?

INKJAR said...


Anonymous said...

Give that splashing man a medal!

Anonymous said...

Serves them right if they were using the alley as a thoroughfare.

Anonymous said...

Recording and posting videotapes of cars stuck in ice-covered alleys? Thank god there were no dirt bikers out there.

Can you say "banal?" Sure you can.

Craig Gernhardt obviously has too much time on his hands . . . that's obviously Joe Moore's fault, too.

a girl on albion said...

My car is stuck in its parking space. I've decided to just give up and wait until it melts, even if it takes until spring.

In addition to the ice on the roads, some sidewalks around here are seriously hazardous... only a matter of time before someone falls and cracks his or her head open.

Anonymous said...

Money is the only thing people understand, or care about.

Until these non shoveling assholes start getting fined, nothing will change.

I keep hoping i'm going to bust my ass on someones sidewalk that has 3 inches of ice on it, so i can try and win a huge lawsuit to send a message to the rest of chicago.

Its just funny to me how we are a big major city, and those in charge don't give a shit about pubic transportation, or if the citizens can get around on foot.

of course, those in charge never have to take public transportation, or walk anywhere either. nice to be rich, or doing things on the taxpayer dime.

Anonymous said...

I got stuck this morning because of this car being stuck.haha, you weren't around to record that. I thought the car was stolen because of the Indiana plates. I got unstuck by rocking back and forth a few times.

Brian said...

I saw some guy get his leg broken trying to help a tow truck get unstuck in my alley.

The guy put a board under the rear wheels of the truck while they were spinning. He was also standing with one leg in the way behind the wheel.

The board kicked out and snapped the dude's leg.

Paramadics came in less than 5 minutes which I thought was impressive.

Anonymous said...

Thank goodness you aren't wasting your time taking pictures of bullshit.

Anonymous said...

Did anyone else notice that the car is front-wheel drive and the guy is putting the board under the back wheels?

Anonymous said...

Again letting more readers know where you live.......Thanks!

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