Monday, March 17, 2008

* DevCorp North Can't Spell "Glenwood"

Joe Moore Leads Ribbon Cutting for Misspelled Parking Signs

For a organization that prides itself at crossing the t's and dotting the i's, DevCorp North sure has a problem with it's L's.

Can you believe these incompetent morons spent tax payer dollars and couldn't even spell Glenwood right on the new Parking Signs at Morse and Ashland?

What... did they think no one would notice?

Who on God's green earth allowed this misprinted sign to even be placed in public? Which one of those college educated smarty pants proofed this sign? They should be fired. For all those who complain about my spelling should send a letter of disgust to the City of Chicago, Dept. of Planning for allowing DevCorp North to make such a bone-headed mistake with tax payer money. It makes EVERYONE look like fools.

And they should pay for fixing the mistake out of their OWN pocket.

Blognotes: Note to DevCorp North employees, don't embarrass yourself. Stay away from the Annual Adult Spelling Bee Contest.


I heart the R.P. said...

I agree, some one should pay out of their own pocket, the sign maker if it's their mistake or the one the signed the check at Dev Corp.

Craig Gernhardt said...

This is where those magic pens go when there's no election.

Craig Gernhardt said...

DevCorp North, the same people that don't even know Morse Avenue as a Police Camera.

Hugh said...

would it be easier to rename glenwood?

Fargo said...

Meanwhile, it looks like the rat buffet is open nearby.

Clark St. said...

The same idjits that misspelled 'Belmont' as Bemont' on some CTA signs a couple of years ago!

Craig Gernhardt said...

CTA employee fired after sign misprint.

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