Tuesday, March 25, 2008

* Fire @ 2616 West Pratt (Update 3X)

A fire has just started in the 2600 block of West Pratt. Pratt is closed from California to Western. Word is the town-homes are engulfing the area with smoke.

Update #1: Rogers Park 60645 is on the scene. She tells me the Fire Department response time was fantastic. Police are trying to keep possible looters from the open back-end of the building - who are working their way through the back alleyway. The crowd is being forced back off the street. In other words, there's a lot of gawkers.

Update #2: Multiple families are being displaced. Officials are working on a head count.

Update #3: Currently eight people need services for temp housing. This number may change.

Cell Phone Image Courtesy RP 60645

1 comment:

theblob said...

What? No pictures of dead pets. Tsk tsk. Your not doing your job.

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