Friday, March 28, 2008

* Pick Up Your Poo

In any language, this is a no brainer. Don't be a Poop Scoop Scofflaw. Please, pick up your dog poop.


billyjoe said...


Such a sign assumes that all those pit-bull-walking gangbangers and wannabes can actually read . . . . or, pun intended, that they actually give a shit about picking up after their pets.

Bosworth said...

Last summer we had cops all over the lakefront stopping dog owners to make sure the dogs were properly licensed, enforcing the new city ordinance. But now the ordinance is old news, so we no longer enforce it. There are unlicensed dog owners all over Rogers Park, and there is so much dog shit everywhere you can hardly walk. If we could get 1 or 2 cops on foot or on bikes to patrol the area, they would generate enough revenue writing tickets for these offenses to cover their salaries. And they might also catch come public drinking, gang banging and drug dealing also. Not to mention those that run the stop signs, park illegally, speed, talk on their cell phones while driving, drive with their children not buckled in safely, blah blah blah.

lafew said...

What was amusing is that during our trip to Grand Rapids, Michigan, the grass near the hotel was caked in dog poop and no one bothered to take care of it. Mind you, it may have been a pet friendly hotel, but it was pathetic, but no signs suggested that offenders broke the law. We picked ours up.

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