Monday, March 10, 2008

* R.I.P. North Shore School

It's the first quarter of 2008. The score is: Joe Moore and the Campaign Contributors 1 and the Save Our Lakefronter's 0. Joe Moore and his campaign contributing buddies jump out to an early lead - and it only cost the contributor $1,250 bucks.

Blognotes: For the rabid Rogers Park historians in the crowd, the demolition started at about 1:00 PM today.


YourChicagoFriend said...

Too little too late.

ck said...

Just what I've always wanted...lakefront parking!

Toni said...

Where was Northside Power and the housing protesters? Let me guess, it wasn't on the 'agenda' - besides parking lots don't count.

Dennis said...


The North Coast said...

Public money is being so misallocated in such massive amounts on so many levels locally, at the state level, and the federal, that CTA's unions are a drop in the bucket.

Peanuts compared to what has been allocated to building sports stadiums we can't afford to attend, for the benefit of megamillionaire team owners.

A pittance, really, compared to what goes into the coffers of developers and big box stores via TIF funding, or by evermore highways, such as the "NAFTA" highway proposed that will cut a straight path from Canada to Mexico through the corn fields of Indiana, bypassing Chicago completely. That's right, you and I will pay big bucks for a highway that helps cut our major cities out of the trade route.

There are water diversion projects costing billions for desert states with 300,000 people living in them, to encourage the growth of unsustainable cities in the most unliveable part of the country.

We could fund every legitimate civic need,including city government, police, schools, public transit, parks & recreation, and our aging water, road, and sewer infrastructure, on half the taxes we pay, and even carry a few overpadded politicians' payrolls,were it not for the overwhelming drain of money diverted to private purposes that serve no one but the megarich politician's cronies and contributors.

MadeInRogersPark said...

Parking on the lakefront will be really cool until there is an infamous winter storm that blows ice and snow to barricade the parking lot. Mother Nature has a strange way of getting back at people who defile her shoreline or view or misuse her land. Then someone will need to pay to bring the special salt truck loads to dig out the special people that got to buy parking spaces or lease parking spaces.
This land was not meant for parking spaces. Only time will tell!

Craig Gernhardt said...

From a brokenhearted reader:

Joe Moore thinks he's done a good job because he secured park maintenance from the Chicago Park District -- something we should have had anyway!

If Joe is such a good steward of the lakefront -- as he claims to be -- why doesn't he introduce an amendment to the Lakefront Protection Ordinance to include demolition (apparently, the City Law Department interprets the LPO to exclude demolition -- how they can interpret the phrase "any change" to exclude demolition is beyond me). Joe cares more about ducks and geese and big boxes!

Sign me Disgusted

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