Sunday, March 23, 2008

* Storefront Window Smashed on Morse Avenue. Again

For the second day in a row a storefront window was smashed on Morse Avenue. This time the victim was a Law Office at 1610 West Morse, just one block west of yesterday's smashed window. No word if anything is missing - or they just wanted to smash the window for fun. If the latter is the case, we can call this phenomenon, "Window Gooning."


sandy said...

Hey, "Crime Is Down", remember. I think they should change the name of Morse Avenue to some preppy name like as School Street or Libary Lane or Algebra Alley. Paint the front of the business with a school or Library theme and give all of the side streets names like Algebra; History; Math or English. That would surely drive the Thugs away and crime would be down. That's the last thing these criminals want to be associated with.

ck said...

Maybe things will begin to change for the better once the yups start to move into those fancy-schmancy condo buildings that are going up on the north side of Morse. I hope they sell.

Craig Gernhardt said...

I got a email stating Duke's got broken into on Sunday night also. Someone allegedly pried open the front door.

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