Wednesday, April 30, 2008

* Beat Down on Morse Avenue (Updated 7X) Plus: Police Shoot Dog

5:54 PM: 2 calls coming in regarding three male blacks giving the beat down to one male Hispanic. One caller gave the location of 1300 West Morse - the other caller said 1324 West Morse. Caller number two had the better description of the fighters.

6:02 PM: Police are rounding up the combatants. (Morse and Greenview).

6:04 PM: Police have the victim and possibly 2 offenders.

6:05 PM: Victim correctly ID'd the offender(s). 2430 going into the station. Ambulance has been called for the victim. (1418 West Morse)

6:08 PM: Gang dispersal at 1416 West Morse. Dispersing three. Coded out - 14911.

7:30 PM: Big fight at 1622 West Pratt. Multiple tickets on this one.
Police Shoot Dog

8:16 PM: Neighbors hear five shots fired around 7300 North Western Avenue. Police shoot a poor defenseless dog in the alley. Dog is dead. Neighbor sees police picking up the shell casings. Animal Control and Streets & Sanitation are called to the scene to clean up the mess.


Craig Gernhardt said...

Oh, and some 14 year old kid is running around the neighborhood with a gun he took from the 1700 block of West Pratt.

They know who he is. Do you?

rogerspark60645 said...

Shoot First…Ask Questions Later

Craig, I heard the shots. I live right there. It was in the alley behind the liquor store in the Blockbuster strip. I’ll send photos I took this morning but you would not want to see the dog. It was the saddest thing I’ve ever seen. I ran out with the other neighbors. There was on squad car with flashing lights. The cop (blue shirt) was picking up his gun shells. He asked if I was the caller and I said no. I told him I had just come home from Walgreens. As I looked on another car pulled up and a white shirt officer got out. He asked the first guy if he had all of the casings. The first guy answered yes. I saw the poor dog laying there in the corner. They had cornered him and shot him. I went back inside for one minute. Then I came out and hid by a hole in the fence. Two or three other cop cars had arrived. I was quite a bunch of cops for one dead dog. Well there is a new store being opened next to the liquor store and a lady came out the back. I think she was Indian or Pakistani. The cops still didn’t know I was looking. They started scolding her for calling in a dog with a tall tale. I guess she was just afraid of the dog. I’ve met a lot of foreigners like this. Flame me if you’d like to, but I basically live in the United Nations/EPCOT Center so I know what I’m speaking of. They’re just scared of animals (even my cat). The cops were pissed and seemed remorseful. Then I stood up and screamed, “So you shot the dog for no reason?! Where is Animal Control? Where are the tranquilizer darts?” The white shirt came over and started yelling at me that they had never carried these darts even back to the time that he was in the Academy. Then his suck-up, small penis syndrome, dog killing, blue shirt comes over to cover up for him. (Remember, they didn’t know that I had seen them scolding the lady about her call). He says, “Lady, that dog was left here and has been here for a while. He tried to bite me. He was shaking and dangerous. I love dogs. I have two of my own.” Little did he know that when I went to Walgreens I had also stopped at that liquor store for beer and THERE WAS NO DOG THEN. I said, “So that’s your story and you’re sticking to it, huh?” Then I went home in disgust. The only time I’ve seen so many cops show up was another time when a cop shot that guy at the end of Pratt on a domestic call. They all come cover up for each other like Frat boys. I guess Streets and Sanitation were called out to cover up the mess. For all I know the dog could have had a collar on. I could only see his back end. They’d be sure to get rid of a collar too. I half expect to see signs around West Rogers Park looking for a lost dog in a couple of days. It looked like a yellow labrador retriever. He may have just gotten out of the yard as some dogs do in the warm months. I’d rather have them shoot those crack selling cockroaches on Morse and them make up a story later, than see them shoot a poor defenless dog that was CORNERED. This morning I went by and that ONE spot had been hosed down. I include pictures. Meanwhile, a 14 year old kid is running around the neighborhood with a gun…NICE!

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