Saturday, April 19, 2008

* Bloody Stains @ Bil Mar

A building that has been an neighborhood eye-sore for years has a new look.

Bil Mar Management is back in the 'Broken Heart' news again with fresh blood stains covering their entrance at 6814 North Lakewood. Today, the building is adorned with multiple blood droplets. Not to mention the front door has that freshly smeared, blood blotches look. A great feature when showing apartments to potential renters.

Blognotes: This is the same building that wholeheartedly backs the 49th ward democratic machine candidates every election cycle.


abc said...

This is the same building that wholeheartedly backs the 49th ward democratic machine candidates every election cycle......

I live in another bil-mar building, I highly doubt they put up those signs. they manage building all over the city, I don't think they care all that much about RP.

Craig Gernhardt said...

The Man who Lost his Plans said...> " I don't think they care all that much about RP...."

Agreed. I don't think they care about Rogers Park either. But they do care about keeping Joe Moore and his band of idiots in office. This way they can continue to be slumlords without remorse.

abc said...

listen i think Joe Moore is a dork too.

but like i was saying your assuming they care about RP, or RP politics. I know these guys they dont have a RP agenda. And that place may be a slum, but I have lived in 2 other places they manage - and they are nice places.

abc said...

This is a bit off topic, But its about RP.

Do you or your readers agree with the anti walmart philosophy made buy this Joe Moore guy. I go downstate every couple weeks, so i see the constant price differences. And from my point of view RP residents are getting ripped off. I like competition. Especially for the poor in RP without cars.

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