Friday, April 18, 2008

* Morse Avenue In the Gutter

Joe Moore is taking a beating in the media lately. He's gotta be feeling a bit ticked off. Check this out.
* Alderman Joe Moore just doesn't get it. The pressure he's been putting on Soo Liquors at 1420 W. Morse Avenue in Rogers Park (between Glenwood and Greenview) is not working very well.

* Nice work, Mr. Moore. When will you and your elitist 49th Ward Democrat Party fuckups, and your stooges at DevCorp North, realize that the problem is not Soo Liquors but, rather, the gutter culture that crawls along Morse Avenue and decades of empowering that culture that your comrades are guilty of? Source.


Charlie Didrickson said...


That is f*&%#^@ hilarious!

Slow news day huh?

Craig Gernhardt said...

Damn straight!

Tom Mannis is now writing for the Chicago Journal - besides keeping us updated on his award winning news and information blog.

You guys at RPdotcom could learn a thing or two from him about attracting a loyal readership base.

Charlie Didrickson said...

That's great for Tom

They could use a good Entertainment writer!

"A Liberal Dose Of Conservative Comedy"

First article: "people I hate, things that scare me and the Commie threat in RP"

Can't wait!!!

Clark St. said...

When are you going to comment on what Moore said about you in his letter to the News-Star:
"the ranting of a discredited local blogger"?

I think you've hit a nerve with that pile of shit!

been there said...

i'm laughing, too, charlie.
media. as in fox news, ya mean?

Craig Gernhardt said...

Liquor law violation: Illegal consumption by minor
Summary: A crime of type "Liquor law violation: Illegal consumption by minor" was reported at 1400 block W. Morse Ave on April 10, 2008, according to Chicago police.

Read more about EveryBlock's crime data.

Crime details:
Location: 1400 block W. Morse Ave
Crime date: April 10, 2008
Case number: HP273019
Crime time: 10:25 p.m.
Primary type: Liquor law violation
Secondary type: Liquor law violation: Illegal consumption by minor
Place: Sidewalk
Beat 2431

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