Wednesday, June 25, 2008

* Dog Shot on Hermitage

7:49 AM: What started as a domestic dispute from an anonymous 911 caller about a male and pregnant female fighting in the alley at 6740 North Hermitage -- turned into two shots fired at a dog -- taking poor Sparky down in the process. I'm gathering information that Animal Control has been called to the scene because the dog isn't dead. RD number is HP 414826. Event number is 04287. Nothing further at this time.

8:37 AM: 911 caller says there's a multi-car accident at Howard and Paulina. The drivers are ready to fight each other on the street.


The North Coast said...

God, another DOG, for Chrissakes. Two scummy people get down with each other and it's the poor animal who ends up dead.

Looks like we're in for one really memorable summer in RP.

Dan L said...

In the immortal words of my dad, the smartest guy I've ever known:

"There's no aclu for dogs."

Craig Gernhardt said...

Dog days of summer. 911 reports two dogs bites and a dognapping at Rogers and Clark yesterday also.

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