Friday, June 27, 2008

* The Gale Community Center Fall-Out Continues

Fargo Woman said... I want the building to have the stamp of approval by the citizens of Rogers Park - Not just Joe and his pay to play cohorts, certainly not outside organizations and definitely not outside politicians.

I want an open, well publicized meeting on the issue and I DO NOT want the community to be (or feel as if it is being) rushed into making a decision.

Last but not least - I want a local, safe, vital and interesting place for people over the age of 35 to recreate, work out and congregate in - I want a real community center, one that encompasses the diverse interests and cultures of Rogers Park.

I do not believe the Boys and Girls Club offers the full range of community involvement we need and have always wanted for this building. I certainly do not like the idea of being coerced into a fait accompli or having the hard work of fellow community members ignored and belittled.

In a word, I am outraged by this entire affair and I am crestfallen at what I believe will ultimately be the outcome.

If there is justice to be had in this situation, the media will cover this entire sordid affair, including apt comparisons to Daley’s handling of the Children’s Museum (which Joes spoke out against but fails to see the parallelism in) and publicly shame our Alderman to do the right thing.


Craig Gernhardt said...

Take the poll. So far it's 22 to 1 in favor of open meetings.

Veronica said...

I'm sorry if I seem a little the Boys and Girls club would completely take over the center? Isn't that a little selfish of them in that case?

Craig Gernhardt said...

Just got another email from Joe Moore. Nothing about the crime wave. Nothing about the Morse Avenue Streetscape. Nothing on the Gale Community Center.

But he did correct himself on a previous up-zoning infomercial error.

Joe 'the coward' Moore. Still silent on the main issues.

Bosworth said...

I say let the Boys and Girls Club come to Gale Park. All the kids will learn how to shoot dice for quick cash, drink liquor, smoke a joint or two and litter the park like all the other people that hang out there almost 24 hours a day. All under the watchful eye of 2 so called crime stopping cameras.

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