Friday, June 27, 2008

* Grifter Still Running Same Old Scam

8:47 AM: Anonymous 911 caller says a person on a bike, holding an inhaler, is running a scam at Loyola and Glenwood.


Jeff Couturier said...

He was doing the same yesterday (Thursday) at Glenwood and Lunt. We saw him while eating at Heartland. No one stopped for him, thankfully, but it certainly didn't discourage him. I saw him two days before that on the east side of Sheridan at Farwell harassing people waiting for the bus.

Veronica said...

Maybe he's know, mentally challenged. Otherwise you would think he would have gotten it by now, that his stupid "English speaking" ploy wasn't working. My husband got stopped by him a while back, and though that whole bit was a bit strange. Especially since my husband obviously looks like an American.

Tom Mannis said...
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Craig Gernhardt said...

You have to excuse the deleted post. I tried to go without comment moderation. But the Red-Line Tap bartender Brettly wants to pose as others and throw around his homophobic hate-speech towards me.

Brettly, you're one bigoted coward.

Unknown said...

Yeah, that Brettly's a bright one. That's why he did time in prison. You know, all the really smart guys go to prison. Because they're so smart.

The Half Jap said...

Well, I love the fact you are accusing me of something all over again, just like last summer - another hate blogger - who I am not, but you seem to think so anyway, but that's ok Craig - I just won't stoop as low as you

Edgewater Crime Blotter said...

If he asked me if I spoke English, I would say no. Then stand there and stare at him.

pearl said...

Good grief, is this the best we can complain about? There have been grifters in RP, Chicago, every major city forever. They stop people on streets; sometimes they even knock on doors. This is not unique to RP and it's hardly a major crime. Annoying but not exactly endangering the community.

Unknown said...

Brettly is a devoted reader of this blog, it seems. Wonder if they taught him to read in prison. Wonder what else the boys in prison taught Brettly. Might explain a lot of his anti-gay rantings.

Jeff Couturier said...

"pearl said...
Good grief, is this the best we can complain about? ... Annoying but not exactly endangering the community."

I'm sorry perl, but that's an awfully naive statement. I remember reading a comment here a week or so ago that this same bike-riding scammer was screaming that he would "fucking kill" another Rogers Park resident that exposed his scam, and that this resident thought it was going to come to blows.

The man tries to get every car to stop and roll down the window, stops people on the street and -clearly- gets belligerent and threatening when challenged. Are you willing to just assume he's harmless? I'm not.

Maybe this doesn't concern you, that's your choice. It concerns me quite a bit. I don't like the idea of this guy stopping my girlfriend as she's walking to her car and his fuse going off when she tells him to beat it. Now we both know about him, recognize him and can avoid any conflict with him.

This scammer is hardly "the only thing to complain about", but don't you think it's important to be aware of these things? How many of us know about this guy, his scam and his temper now because it's been discussed here? Isn't that the point?

Craig Gernhardt said...

I'm still trying to score a photograph of him so other know what he looks like. But from the sound of things, his scam is enough to know who we're dealing with.

I heart the R.P. said...

He stopped me in my car one morning on Farwell near the Jehovah's church. I told him if his daughter was having an asthma attack we had better call 911 and went for my phone and acted like I was calling. He cursed me out and strolled off.

Edgewater Crime Blotter said...

After all this I definitely want to see picture of this dude!

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