Saturday, June 28, 2008

* Man Down in Front of the 49th Ward Alderman's Office

About 6:55 PM: An anonymous 911 calls goes out for a 'man down' in front of the Alderman's office at Jarvis and Greenview. EMS, Fire and Chicago Police respond.

About 7:00 PM: EMS, Fire and Chicago Police leave scene empty handed (ie; with-out picking up the 'man down') from Jarvis and Greenview.

About 7:01 PM: I arrive on scene. I notice the 'man down' is still down. Surveying the situation and surroundings, my first guess was the EMS, Fire and Chicago Police didn't see the 'man down' in front of the Alderman's office.

About 7:02 PM: I snapped this photo above to prove there was an actual 'man down' in front of the Alderman's office.

About 7:02 - 30 seconds or so PM: 911 is called by Tom Mannis. Again.

About 7:05 PM:Man 'still down' in front of the Alderman's office.

About 7:08 PM: EMS arrives on scene for the second time.

About 7:09 PM: EMS says they didn't see the 'man down' the first time they covered this 'man down' job and drove away.

About 7:13 PM: Tensions run high. The situation gets intense. A verbal confrontation ensues between the EMS and a photographer/journalist on the scene.

Suddenly, the heated debate turned physical in nature. EMS goes on a wild attack against the media. Things turn ugly.

This story isn't over yet. Stay tuned for the exclusive video.


Isaac Marshall said...

let me guess. this caller or citizen journalist didn't even check on this guy, but just called 911. people only care enough to call 911, but never to check the person themselves. most times it is a drunk trying to sleep one off.

also, why didnt the person flag down the cops and ems when they arrived in the first place?

Levois said...

I saw the vid on YouTube. Tense!

mcl said...

About a year ago, I called 911 to report a 'man down' in the Washington Playlot on Paulina an was told by the 911 dispatcher NOT to personally check on his leave that to the responding EMS/Police!

Isaac Marshall said...


Do we know if this was one dispatcher or a city policy to not check on an injured/sick individual? If this person had a heart attck and you know cpr, are they saying you shouldnt help them?

It seems pretty insane to me, but it doesnt suprise me in this city.

mcl said...

I think the intent is that if you don't know what the situation is, i.e., didn't witness the onset of a heart attack, etc., you should leave the 'unknown' situation to the 'pros'. Makes sense to me!

Craig Gernhardt said...

That's if the "Pros" can find what they're looking for...

mcl said...

Yea, well, that's the bottom line! As you know, Craig, listening to a scanner is very enlightening when it comes to 'getting it right', by dispatchers and responders to 911 calls of all kinds, especially when you were the one to make the call!

Isaac Marshall said...

Yeah, in this case the pros are looking for a guy lying behind a car. Who knos if the pros had the correct address because maybe the caller didnt give the correct information. i'm sure there are plenty of false alarms and mistaken citizens calling in everyday, so the pros dont have the time to drive around looking for people when other emergenccies need a response.

Craig Gernhardt said...

The first call was your basic anonymous 911 call of a man down at Jarivs and Greenview. That's it.

I personally was focusing on another 911 call that came in. That's why my time-line of events is not totally spot-on. (Close, but not spot-on)

I didn't take notice until Mannis called me on the phone and said "Did I hear the call? Man down in front of the Alderman's office."

Through this whole ordeal, what I find truly amazing is....

It wasn't just one EMS that missed Scottie down the first time around. It was two.

It wasn't just one Fire Department personal that missed Scottie down the first time around. It was two.

It wasn't just one Policeman that missed Scottie down the first time around. It was two.

Six professionally trained, first responders with twelve eyes, arrive on a small open street corner of the city during broad daylight -- and can't even locate a 'man down'. THEY ALL DRIVE AWAY.

Then, a small time blogger pulls up on his bike a minute later and spots the guy down with-in seconds.

That, my friends, is truly amazing.

Isaac Marshall said...

it's amazing if you are from a small town in iowa(no offense to iowa). do you know how many fire, ems, police calls are made everyday? its a big city and plenty of bogus calls are made. plenty of non-emergency calls are made. that is why 311 was invented.

i remeber reading an article in the paper where some kid had called 911 thousands of times as a prank.

can you really be amazed? you have had this site for a long time, so what have you learned?

Craig Gernhardt said...

Police attack photographer on video

Isaac Marshall said...

and this proves what?

photographer doesnt leave scene.
he is wrong.

cop attacks photographer.
he is wrong.

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