Saturday, June 28, 2008

* Rescuer Brings in Empty Boat

Storm Pummels Rogers Park

Anyone in their right mind had to have seen the storm brewing. 911 calls were swarming the center with power lines down. 911 calls for trees falling on cars (Photo taken at Pratt and Lakewood). 911 calls for trees blocking the street (Photo taken at 1100 West Lunt).

Then the 911 call came in that topped them all. A wind surfer was in distress at Touhy and the lake.

Well, duh. 35 mile an hour winds - with sheets of rain coming down in buckets just blasted over the lake.

Of course the dudes on the wind surf board is going to be in distress.

When I got out to the lake this guy was hauling back an upside down, empty boat. The overturned boat owner bailed in the 8 to 10 foot waves, according to the stunned kayaker. The rescue kayaker saved some of the equipment and the capsized boat somehow made it safely back to shore. The wind-surfer made it to shore safely also.

Got any storm photos? Send them over. Any storm stories? Place them in the comments sections. If your just a lurker - thanks for stopping by.

1 comment:

lafew said...

Our umbrella took off into the wild blue yonder. It likely ended up in some junk drivers truck after it was picked up in the alley. Bummer.

It is a shame we were not there. Hindsight is twenty twenty; when patio umbrella is not in use, close it. Otherwise, it may end up sticking in your neighbors roof, among other places in the Land of Oz.

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