Wednesday, July 9, 2008

* Comment of the Day

Chicago Leads the Way

Certain people claim they don't read my blog but somehow seem to know everything that's written on this site when commenting on other blogs that I've linked to in a particular story. Some people claim not to read the comments. Today it's a slow news day. I decided to feature one of those comments no one reads. This one is from Laura Louzader. Better known as Rogers Park blogger, North Coast.
It is just too funny to hear realtors blame bloggers for the state of the real estate market in Rogers Park and everywhere else.

It's especially funny when you hear them talk out of the other side of their mouths about how the housing market has "turned the corner".

Rogers Park values and sales are languishing because the real estate market is getting hammered EVERYWHERE, because we are in the middle of the most savage housing bear market since the Great Depression, and this is happening because the prices everywhere got too damn high to begin with and too many people got too many snaky loans to buy all the overpriced crap everywhere.

I guess the media's to blame for the tanking of the housing market, too. I guess that if nobody ever said in print that maybe a market predicated on people borrowing 4X or more their income was tricked to collapse, then we just keep borrowing and buying away, and a 1-bed crap rehab on Farwell would be worth $500K by now. Yeah, sure.

I also guess that if nobody ever mentioned in print that we have a crime problem in certain pockets of this ward {49th}, then people would be coming up here and clamoring to pay premium rents and would just ignore all the lowlife scum hanging out in front of the building and pissing in the hallways and loitering in the courtyards and falling down drunk on the streets. They would pay no attention to garbage dumpsters left to spill over for days on end, or to the gangs of boys propping up the fence at Pratt & Ashland, to intimidate everyone walking past.

What morons.


Clark St. said...

A relative of mine that lived in Northbrook died a few months ago. his children put the house up for sale, using one of his nieces as the agent. She insisted it would sell within 2 weeks at $649,000.
Here we are a couple of months later & the price is now $449,000.

I guess having Neil Steinberg write about Northbrook in the Sun-Times really brings down real estate prices even worse than bloggers.

The North Coast said...

Yeah, if it weren't for all those Housing Bear bloggers, that house would be selling at 1.4MM by now, for sure, wouldn't it?

What really amuses me is when I see a place sit on the market for 16 months on end with a headline that screams PRICED BELOW MARKET!!

The "market" value is what people will pay AND what they can get it financed for, duh.

Like old Warren Buffet likes to say, when the tide goes out you can see who's been swimming naked, and there are sure a lot of shivering, naked bods on the trash-littered beach since the great housing wave rolled out.

floss said...

The negative blogs are part of the problem, in that when a potential buyer is deciding on a neighborhood, they might pass up RP when they read all of the rotten negativity in this and other blogs.

The bloody banner alone will scare people (and readers) away.

This blog used to have a spirit of exposing the negative with the optimistic hope of changing has deteriorated into toxic pessimism in recent weeks...toxic.

'Broken Heart' Past Blogs