Thursday, July 17, 2008

* Obama Hating in Rogers Park

Progressive politics rears it's ugly head in Rogers Park. Someone has recently defaced a couple 'Artist of the Wall' squares that were painted, featuring the democratic hopeful for President of the United States of America (POTUS) from Illinois.

I could see this happening in some non-progressive area of the country, but this? Barack Obama was favored by 72.77% of the wards voting residents in the last election. Who could hate Obama so much around here to do this crap?

Image courtesy Bill Morton


Craig Gernhardt said...

Maybe it was Jesse jackson? He was recently quoted as saying he wanted to cut Barack Obama's "nuts off...."

The North Coast said...

Who would hate the Wall so much as to deface the paintings on it?

Can't we have anything joyous and charming without some scuzzball ruining it for everyone?

Mark Fletcher said...

Tom Mannis?

been there said...

what does this have to do with progressives? nothing except to point out how much resistance is out there, and how they behave and think.
but the answer to your question is likely- racists.

Man From Glad said...

Vandals are just vandals...

But maybe it was a progressive who can see that Obama is another pretend progressive who will bow to the mandates his corporate masters.

I travel this country quite a bit, and this is not unique to Roger's Park. This is a picture I took in Hollywood a couple of months ago.

I heart the R.P. said...

I saw this Monday when I was at the beach (unfortunately met 'Rainbow' that day, too). There was one square that they missed. I don't know if they got caught, were stopped, or if they didn't realize the other almost cartoonish image of Barack.
Political or not, it's just WRONG for someone to deface the art.

I heart the R.P. said...

I'm so glad Jessie got busted saying the "cut his nuts off" remark. Never liked the guy, too much of an extremist.

Save Street End Beaches said...

Don't touch the art, dammit!

Catherine on Eastlake said...

"the answer to your question is likely- racists."

i bet more than likely ... just some punk kids messing around.

Always such drama over something that regularly happens in everywhere in Chicago. When i was in Grammar School the statue of George Washington had a noose around his neck. Another time... a blindfold. No one in Lakeview ever claimed 'racism' as the reason. We were just amazed that someone had climbed up there in view of everyone driving on Addison Street.

Relax people.

Jocelyn said...

been there knows all.

Veronica said...

someone also drew a dick and balls by a woman's face. very mature and respectful.

Craig Gernhardt said...

You'd think with all the knowledge Mo Cahill claims to have on politics, she'd be a Professor at Loyola University - teaching Political science classes - instead of giving her wealth of information away on a blog.

Fuzzy Logic said...

You always have stuff like this going on.

I can still see the remnants of "Bush Sucks" on traffic control boxes, stop signs, etc.

The pols don't treat each other with respect - why are we surprised when the mass population doesn't either?

I'm all for a healthy debate, but these days it's impossible to have without someone getting truly angry as if they're mother (who's a saint) is being insulted.

crazy times.

CommonSense said...

While it is wrong to deface things, it is also wrong to have politicized the wall. Last year there was pro-Palestinean crap up there, this year pro-Obama stuff - come on, enough is enough. Leave the wall neutral. If you're going to politicize the wall, you're going to have to expect it to get defaced.

Tom Mannis said...

Tom Mannis did that - because he hates Obama - our next president.

The Half Jap said...

Yup, it's Tom Mannis - a racist like her would do that.

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