Sunday, July 13, 2008

* Resident Gets Robbed on Morse Avenue

A panhandler at the Morse Avenue CTA El stop got tired of collecting small change decided to strong arm a persons wallet today at 9:15 AM. The Red line robber is described as a male, black, 45 to 50 years old, 5 foot 7 inches tall, with a short hair-cut, kinda curly. He was last seen running fast towards Ashland Avenue.

Blognotes: Here's a little You-tube video Joe Zekas at Yo Chicago put together warning people of the hazards when traveling Morse Avenue CTA EL stop. He talks about the pimps and hookers and the dangerous types he saw on his trip - and was afraid for his camera equipment. Joe even piles it on towards the end, pointing out a quote about the police not doing their job right. Wonder why Joe picked to feature that particular "quote" and not another?

On a side note, Joe Zekas give's a little love to the 'Broken Heart' of Rogers Park along the way.


Unknown said...

Well, Craig, I know I said I'd leave, but I just can't in the face of this.

Anyone who watches the video will see how unfairly you've characterized what I said in it. Compare what I said with what Craig says I said and you'll get a good idea of how he operates.

As to the quote from Avenue - he talked to me on the premise that I'd post his message online. I screwed up the sound and, to do right by a guy who'd taken the time to talk to me, I reported his message. No choice of quote was involved, just a simple matter of keeping faith with an interviewee.

Anyone who goes to and looks at our Rogers Park playlist can see more recent videos of Morse Avenue for a more complete picture.

And, of course, I've reconsidered my positive take on this one-note hellhole and no longer recommend it.

BillyJoe'sBrain said...

Joe Z is a douche...

Craig Gernhardt said...

Monday morning: Lot's of "shots fired" and "gangs beating up people" yesterday in Rogers Park. I don't know where to begin this morning. Rest assured, I'll have a blog post shortly.

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