Wednesday, July 2, 2008

* Shots Fired @ Morse and Sheridan

7:24 PM: Police officer radios in to dispatch about hearing 4 to 6 gun shots at Morse and Sheridan. Police are touring the area.

Ten minutes earlier Joe Moore was sitting in an air conditioned TV studio claiming, "one shooting is one too many..."

Blognotes: Joe Moore didn't mention anything about two murders in his neighborhood in the last month.


Craig Gernhardt said...

But he did say he cleaned up a slum building at 1350 West Morse. Where ever 1350 West Morse is.....

And this bozo says he knows the ward like the back of his hand. Yeah, right.

The Soul of Murray Humphries said...

This was an epic performance by the machine.

Kathy Posner was the host. The first 4 minutes discusssed Joe Moore's recent marriage. The next 5 minutes talked about the new Howard station, what will happen to the old station, and block 37. Yes, block 37.

I don't know much about the 49th ward, but the callers all seemed to set up Joe Moore with easy questions. The recurring theme.

1) HI. I am robot caller X.
2) You do a great job as a counterweight to the Mayor.
3) What do you think about "insert issue not related to 49th ward here"

I'm looking at ways I can post this entire program to youtube. The best quote is that Moore referred to residents of the 49th ward as "tenants".

YourChicagoFriend said...

CAN TV. Yeah man, that's some real edgy television. 60 Minutes Wolf Blitzer look out!

Craig Gernhardt said...

Emails. I get emails....

Dear Craig: I realize this isn’t as bad as murders, goonings, and random shootings, but my condo is a block away from Joe’s house and we’ve had 3 burglaries in about as many weeks.

I’m wondering if this type of crime is on the rise or if our complex has just been targeted?

Signed, Just Curious

Bosworth said...

Dear Just Curious, I live 2 blocks from Joe's ward office. My building has had 2 break-ins in the past week. I would say things are on the rise. In the past 5 years we have only had one other incident.

mcl said...

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