Friday, October 17, 2008

Calm Before the Storm

2:34 PM: Police officers are taking their positions at various locations around Sullivan High School. The party should begin shortly.

3:34 PM: All calm. No storm. Whatever the police did today worked.

8:07 PM: Morse and Ashland. Caller says a 19 year old male was beaten up by a transsexual.


I live here too said...

Vote NO MOORE in 2011

Good job to the police. The have been diverting a tremendous amount of resources towards the BS at Sullivan.

BillyJoe'sBrain said...

Damn, billyjoe got his ass kicked by a transexual. Ha ha.

Anonymous said...

Craig, I apologize for using such derragory terms towards African Americans. I am glad you do not permit this slander on your website. Hope you're doing well. And by the way.. I am sorry but that is very funny about the transexual.

ajz88 said...

is this area as bad as it seems? i'm looking into leasing an apartment at the new reside on morse building. good or bad idea?

Robin said...

aja88~ If you will search this blog for 'new reside on morse' you'll get a good idea about that area.

Craig Gernhardt said...

I've received dozens of emails asking the same question.

My answer to all of them. Give them a try.

'Reside on Morse' seems to be doing a good job with the property since the child labor episode and I'm impressed.

I hear they are a tad expensive though.

I would recommend asking to 'Reside on the Lunt' side. It's a bit more quiet.

ajz88 said...

yeah i did look it up yesterday and i'm probably going to give it a try anyways. thanks!

Anonymous said...

white people are the minority on morse and rogers park. i would not move here

Razldazlrr said...

i walk by that building all the time with my dogs - it looks fine - there is usually a security guard in the front of the building. i'm hoping a lot of the people that just "hang out" with no worthwhile mission will move on down the street as it gets cleaned up.

I live here too said...

The more decent folks that move in, the better it gets

ajz88 said...

i wont be home much anyways. ill be going to truman all afternoon into the evening then i work for ups at jeff st from 1030ish until around 6am. so when im home ill be sleeping then leaving again. i definitely wont be out sight seeing.and i would be getting a place on the lunt side i guess the morse building is already full.well me and my fiance are 2 more decent people to add to the area.

Anonymous said...

latinking said...white people are the minority on morse.

What does that have to do with anything? Do you think white people should keep African Americans out of predominately white neighborhoods? By in large, it is a very small minority of people who are causing the most trouble... race has nothing to do with it.

Sassy said...

Ajz, if you are going to be at Truman why don't you move to Uptown?

Sticky Fingers said...

AJZ88, don't pay attention to the numerous alarmists that post on this website. It is true that like other areas of the city we have our share of issues, but I think weighing the pros and cons you'll find that this is a decent area to live in. For what I pay for a nice, renovated 1 bedroom apartment up here I would be paying a good $300 more a month in rent in Lakeview/Lincoln Park. As long as you use common sense you should be fairly safe...I had more scary incidents happen to me living in Lakeview than I have had in Rogers Park.

I moved here from Nebraska 3 years ago and I used to live in a rougher neighborhood of Lincoln, NE than Rogers Park. So far my husband and I are happy with our decision to move to this area and we plan on staying here for the next several years.

Becky said...

ajz88...try looking on one of the side streets off Morse. There are a ton of great apartments for rent if you just walk around and look. We live off of Pratt, and couldn't be happier with our neighborhood.

Tom Mannis said...

Why are you calling me a TransSexual Craig, I'm A Transvestite, could you please correct it, Thanks, Craig, Your Pal, Tom Mannis

ajz88 said...

i went to reside on morse yesterday,the apartments are very nice but the building still has a lot to finish. i would be living in the lunt side building. the area was a lot nicer than i had imagined it to be. im from a small farm town by rockford so i guess i am going from one extreme to the other but i cant wait. i love the city =)

Unknown said...

Welcome ajz88!! Hope all goes well. I did notice a great deal of studios at Reside and wondered that they were marketing heavily to students.

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