Saturday, October 11, 2008

Car Jacking - Rumor

Craig - I heard an unconfirmed story that last Friday a teacher at Jordan School was car jacked in front of the security guard and kids at 8 am. I also heard that Ald. O"Connor was so outraged at this he called a meeting with the commander to come up with a solution for opening and closing of schools in district 24. This may surprise you, but Joe Moore did nothing. I have not seen any mentions of the incident so not sure if it is true.

A concerned neighbor.

Blognotes: Did anyone else hear about this?


Craig Gernhardt said...

Bernard Garbo said...> Motor vehicle theft was reported on the following blocks in August and September, exercise caution when parking there:


Unknown said...

Joe did nothing?!?!? Shocking!!!

Craig Gernhardt said...

Joe's good at passing out donuts. That's about it.

Anonymous said...

If this carjacking did occur at Jordan Elementary, 7414 N Wolcott Ave., I would not be surprised. I've seen firsthand how ROUGH an area it is.

The parents, neighbors, and the police know it is a problem crime site, but they have been unable to establish a zero-tolerance environment there (same problem at Sullivan High School and many others). Morning and afternoon police patrolling has been spotty for years. Sometimes, for many months, the presence of uniformed officers in patrol cars and other officers in unmarked cars is heavy. Sometimes it's very light, with only one marked car continuously circling the block until all kids and gangbangers have finally dispersed.

What I've seen are recurrent incidents of gangbangers "representing" or showing off, gang fights, and gangs intimidating and recruiting youth. The 911 button on my cell phone gets a workout.

Jordan school is a pick up and drop off point for many students traveling to distant schools. I've seen all of what I've described here since I've been there five days a week, early every morning and at the end of the school day, for the past six years with my kids.

Like CTA train stations, gangs consider schools an important turf because that's where they can find large numbers of either customers or new recruits. As some Chicago mobster once said, "Why do I rob banks? Because that's where the money is!"

Dr Who said...

There are not enough cars in the District to baysit all the problem school at dismissal. The animals were acting out Friday because the weather was nice. Thursday night it was colder and the streets were dead.

Anonymous said...

stop calling the police, the police are more corrupt than the gang bangers

I live here too said...

I do not know why you folks are creating such a climate of fear over an ALLEGED crime. I live within sight of this school, and pass directly by it nearly every day between 8:30 and 9:00 when school is about to start.
In over ten years of this pattern I have NEVER seen any of the alleged gang crap that is being spouted here.
What I see is a City school with City kids getting the day started. Teachers, parent volunteers, student crossing guards, many many parents dropping off kids, and others creating as safe an area as possible to get the day started. Pretty normal in my opinion.
To Compare Jordan to any High School, let alone Sullivan, is as absurd as Sarah Palin being qualified to be POTUS.
However, now that I think about it, there was some police activity on BIRCHWOOD (closer to the BANK than the school BTW)around 11:00 am. I was there at this time talking to the workers who were working on the street repair at the corner of Birchwood/Wolcott. It seemed like a fender bender/minor hit and run to me based on the people standing next to their cars talking to the police.

rogersparkmom said...

I havent heard anything but i just took a walk on farwell with my 2 young children and had a disturbing experience. i just googled rogers park crime and this came up. This is an amazing blog. I was walking down farwell came to greenview and there was police and an ambulance. I said excuse me to to the plolice officer who was writting a report and talking with a few people. He pointed at a huge puddle of blood next to him and scream to walk across the street. we walked across and aver to morse as my son was fascintaed my the glowing lights of the new morse theater. We walked over took a look and walked down morse to ashland. I had this strange sensation to turn, so I headed south. A few minutes later I hear gunshot comming from what I beleive was morse. I told the kids it was firworks. I told them I was cold and to walk faster. The gunshots continued. Next thing I heard was police sirene and more gunshots. The siren stop at morse and clark. I thank God I followed my maternal instinct and turned otherwise I would have witness the gunshots. This just happend a few mins ago.I dont meen to disrupt the topic but i just wanted to share this.

North Of Rogers said...

I also heard "gunshots" but I believe they were fire works. I live well north of morse.

Anonymous said...

latinking said...

stop calling the police, the police are more corrupt than the gang bangers

That has got to be one of the most idiotic comments I have ever heard. Do you think we are actually going to take advice from someone who calls himself 'LatinKing'?

I think not!

Big Daddy said...

No Chicago, the most idiotic comment has to be the one which "i live here too" made when he/she said that it is absurd for Sarah Palin to be POTUS. I ask anybody. What makes her any less qualified to be the POTUS than Obama? I find her to be a breath of fresh air. I'd much rather see her as the POTUS than some guy named Obama who is a product of one of the most if not the most corrupt political system in the world. The same system that gave us Richard Daley, Joe Moore and a host of other corrupt and incompetent nitwits.

Anonymous said...

Dear I Live Here Too, I appreciate that you live near Jordan School and have walked by it at the same time every morning on your way to work for 10 years. So, OK, you've seen no problems.

My perspective comes not from passing by for a minute, but from actually getting there early - in front of the school entrance - to wait with or for my kids for a bus. It's a half hour every morning and every afternoon. I've witnessed the periodic gangbanging and the wide range of police patrolling I described. If the police are there on a regular basis there must be a reason, right?

As to my reference to about gangs at schools, sure every school is different. Gang issues may be worse at one and better at another. However, you may not know that schools have long been recognized as targets for criminal activity. There is a reason that several hundred feet around every Chicago school is designated as a "safe school zone" for which conviction penalties are greater for criminal violations.

I urge you to attend your local CAPS Beat 2424 meeting at Pottawattomie Park. You'll discover some important information about the high incidence of criminal activity at and near the school, and in your area.

Anonymous said...

I agree BigDaddy!

Anonymous said...

and with MJH

Craig Gernhardt said...

And I got it from a great source over the weekend this car jacking happened as said.

I live here too said...

Wow,it's finally nice to get a response to a posting of mine.
Big Daddy, I have always had great respect for you and the police in general. However, my statement is not the most ridiculous one ever. After the initial excitement of the Palin pick it became pretty clear that she simply does not have the depth of experience to (potentially) become the leader of the most powerful Nation in history. I mean, it would be nice if she could name a magazine that she reads for just one simple example-how hard is it to say "Time, or Newsweek"-. Regrettably, I feel McCain essentially lost his chance when he picked her. An outcome that I regret actually. Not because I believe in Obama, or am even a Democrat, but rather because I would MUCH rather have a check and balance in place between the Executive branch and the Legislative. Dems or Republicans are no better than one another, politicians are all dirty rotten bastards that say what they can to get elected. The reality is ALWAYS different than the promise.
MJH, I am quite involved in CAPS, and am very aware of the reality of the neighborhood. Are you? Do you live in THIS neighborhood (2424), or do you just drop your kid(s) off at the Jordan pick up point? Of the problems that you have witnessed around Jordan, how many were in previous years as opposed to THIS year? For anybody that actually (regrettably I admit) lives in 2424, it is clear that there has been a great change for the better this year. Clearly, the area is "getting better". 2424 seems to have reached a tipping point of sorts with the new people that are moving into the neighborhood both as renters and buyers, yes people are still buying. I know of a closing just last week on Hoyne for example (1 of 3 on one block in the past 3 months), and I have personally been associated in 8 transactions (rental and sale)in 2424 that all involved very respectable market rate people moving into this direct area.
From what I see and read, it sure seems as if there are far greater problems NOH, and East of Clark. So please, don't besmirch an area that finally has some positive energy and momentum going for it. Is it a paradise over here? Hell no, but the direction is positive.

Razldazlrr said...

"Iliveheretoo" - The reference to Palin in any way to a carjacking blog is ridiculous

I live here too said...


I'll attempt to pick a better analogy next time.
And, sorry for the double posting. Craig, feel free to delete the duplicate as I don't seem to be able to do so. There is no little garbage can icon in either post.

JVonAshland said...

Does anyone want to start talking about the issues that directly affect us in our neighborhood?

Or is this just a blog where we burn each other for political views and differences?

Personally, I'd like to see this discussion and all of the others on the blog point somewhere positive and for all of us to make a change...


billyjoe said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
billyjoe said...

Big Daddy:

Answer this question: Do Obama and the Democrats want to kill unborn babies?

If you said yes, it only makes sense you support Sarah Palin. It's probably the ONLY reason you and other knuckleheads stay willfully blind to her poor qualifications to serve as US commander in chief. Allow unborn babies to be aborted, can't be president.

Intellectual elitists like Obama (as you probably view him) scare the shit out of you, especially when they're also minorities.

Go look at some of the TV clips taken at Palin campaign appearances last week: her and McCain's all-white, troglodyte, "unborn baby-saving" base calling Obama a "terrorist" and calling for his murder.

Yeah, Americans want these people and the politicians they support in power. Yeah, right.

billyjoe said...

"Palin is a genuine Alaskan — of a kind. The kind that flowed north in the wake of the ’70s oil boom, Bible Belt politics and attitudes under arm, and transformed this state from a free-thinking, independent bastion of genuine libertarianism and individuality into a reactionary fundamentalist enclave with dollar signs in its eyes and an all-for-me mentality."

billyjoe said...

An anonymous commenter writes:

"It's pretty funny. The right wingers don't seem to get why their world view is constantly repudiated by people with education and knowledge, and why educated Republicans have fled the party. These people's views are based on ignorance and determined stupidity. Refusal to listen to known facts, or understand anything other than yelling about socialism or communism. They can't follow science, they don't know their hole from an ass on the ground. So, of course they are going to not appreciate people with talent and ability getting recognized for their efforts. They'd much rather see people with vocabularies that chiefly consist of 'Well, golly' and 'You betcha' get the prize. These are the absolute dregs of American society, and they constantly do whatever they can to drag the rest of us down to their fuzzy headed level."

Save Street End Beaches said...

Sarah Palin isn't a breath of fresh air. She's a petty, vindictive politician. And her popularity in Alaska has gone way down. I love this Alaskan's blog,

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