Thursday, October 23, 2008

Gale Park Casino Closed

Neighbors complained to me about it. I made fun of it. Now it's gone.


billyjoe said...

Not to mention it's also getting too cold for such outdoor activities.

Fargo Woman said...

That's true about the cold. It will be interesting to see what happens when it turns nice again next spring. In the meantime, let's concentrate on OWNING the center:
1. Use the facilities - they're squeaky new and in fine working order
2. Get the word out that the place is open and fully staffed
3. Visit the park and bring your kids
4. Use the big meeting room for social gatherings and regular meetings
5. Volunteer as a coach, a teacher's assistant, or to share some unique knowledge or talent you might have
6. Get to know the Director, Ms. Sharon O'Connell and ask her how you can help to make this a vibrant and important part of our community - I guarentee you she'll have lots of ideas!
The community worked hard to first get this center built and then to keep it for all of us, not just a certain segment of the population as the Alderman would have had it. This is OUR Community Center, let's make sure we use it or, much like the concrete chess tables, we will be in danger of losing it.


Anonymous said...

What the fuck is the big deal about gambling? They are just playing a game of dice for money. That is the same thing as betting on a basketball game. Gambling is the most petty crime. Focus on the big shit.

floss said...

Latin King,

The "biggest shit" of all is how children are nurtured.

It is not about coming down on gamblers, it is about keeping gambling indoors, and away from the kids.

presstoe said...

Fargo Woman, that is the single best comment I have ever read on any Rogers Park blog! Props to you for suggesting a positive change, and the steps to make it happen.

Slinging shit around and complaining accomplishes nothing- why not stake a claim at Gale Park while the weather is bad and turn things around. Change takes time; bloggers were excited to ridicule the opening of the community center... let's use it. Moore didn't get his way in privatizing it.

Fuel your passion without hate. How about more good suggestions people!?

Excellent post- Peace to you as well.

Fargo Woman said...

Awe, shucks, Presstoe. Thanks!

By the by, the next Parks Advisory Council (comprised of three Park Advisories - Washington, Triangle and Gale Parks) meeting is on Tuesday, November 18 at 7:00. Joining the Advisory Councils is a great way to get involved. I hope to see you there.


Razldazlrr said...

thanks for the info Fargo woman- I will have to check it out

Man On The Street said...

What the fuck is the big deal about gambling

Nothing, 'cept there are places to do it (casinos in Hammond, Vegas...) other than a PARK! If they want to gamble, let them catch one of the shuttle buses to the Horseshoe and let the kids have the park. Unless you think it's cool to have guys gambling, swearing, drinking and most likely packin' heat in the park alongsidet the kids...

This ain't Dodge City. Yet.

Fargo Woman said...

I left out the fact that the Parks Advisory Councils Meeting takes place in the big meeting room in the Gale Park Community Center on Howard near Marshfield. I hope to see many of you there on Tuesday, November 18 at 7:00. Check us out, come early and check out the wonderful new field house. Bring your ideas, bring your civic pride and most of all . . . bring YOU!


The North Coast said...

Latin king, it's about not having packs of uncouth, unruly people blocking the sidewalk, getting drunk, and getting into brawls, which are things people tend to do when gambling.

I never saw a decent neighborhood that tolerated it.

My congrats to Toni Duncan, Fargowomen, Craig Gernhart, and all others who contributed to getting the outdoor casino shut down.

However, as I've stated elsewhere, it's altogether too bad that we can't have outdoor amenities like chess boards and groups of benches for all citizens to enjoy without all the lowlifes and gangers taking them over and intimidating anyone else that wants to use them. But until the general level of civility in this country is elevated a few notches, we will just have to do without them.

Tom Mannis said...

Sure, you made fun of it and now it's gone - I highly doubt that Craig - I am so sure that our good buddy Joe Moore said "Oh shit, Craig Gernhardt is blgging about gambling in my ward, I better fix it.

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