Thursday, October 30, 2008

Good Police Work Nabs Neighborhood Muggers

A 36-year-old man was walking home from the Morse el station around 11 p.m. Oct. 18 when he was robbed by an 18-year-old man and three younger teenagers, police said. The victim was almost in front of his apartment building on the 6700 block of N. Newgard when one of the alleged robbers came into his peripheral vision. The teen punched his hand with a black object that the victim assumed to be a gun. The teen demanded his money, when a second teen came on to the scene and went through the victim's pockets, taking about $30, his iPod and wallet, the police report noted.

The victim said he was punched from behind by a third teen. The offenders ran northbound on Newgard, while the victim called 911. The victim toured the area with police and spotted the four teens who he said robbed him. Police took two of them into custody, while the others fled eastbound. The third teen was found lying beneath a parked car in an alley on the 1700 block of W. Greenleaf.

While being interviewed, the fourth teen fled, holding his waistband as if he had a gun, police said. Police apprehended him and took him into custody. Inside the squad car, the fourth teen allegedly told police that "he didn't want to go down" for what the others did, and that "he did not touch the victim." Police said they recovered the victim's baseball cap, wallet and iPod on one of the teens.

Daniel Boyd, 18, of the 1700 block of W. Touhy was charged with robbery. The other three teens, 15 to 16 years old, were charged as juveniles. No court information was available. The police report did not say if a gun was found. Source.


billyjoe said...

Nice catch, but there are many more of these teens waiting to commit the next robbery/assault.

Controlling such crime reminds me of Mickey Mouse wizard in "Fantasia" trying to contain the multiplying broomsticks marching with their water buckets.

Man On The Street said...

Nice catch, but there are many more of these teens waiting to commit the next robbery/assault.

Well, yeah, but you gotta deal with what you have. We haven't reached the pre-crime stage a la Tom Cruise in "Minorty Report" so you can't do anything to the ones who are "waiting".

Not sure of your point here. If it's to say that other people will commit crime in the future, I'll agree.

Unknown said...

Great job by our local police!

Sticky Fingers said...

Good to see the goons got caught. However I wonder if the person who got robbed was actually listening to their iPod while walking home. Call me paranoid but if I get off Morse and have to walk alone back to my place I keep my eyes and ears open as well as my keys in hand.

gleafsentinel said...

RP Rule #1 Turn off the fricking ipod when walking in RP at night. I do it even during the day.

Hillari said...

Excellent catch!

BG said...

This is not too far away from me. If this happends to me Im very tempted to chock hold these kids. It will be very hard for me to do the "right thing and let them rob me..... Man that sounds strange. Do the right thing and let them rob you....... Got to love RP!

rogers park guy said...

im never going to forget last week when i was walking home and this gang bangers were sitting on this nice looking car and they were throwing a football around in the streets and the alarm goes off in the car and out of nowhere come this white girl with her two dogs in her hands telling them "i told you to stop sitting on my car etc" im guessing she was cursing at them also lol because they were cursing back at her i stood not far away from them just to make sure they didnt do nothing to her physically and i was amazed that she didnt back off she stood her ground it seemed like the two dogs had them scared and they just walked off.

BG said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
BG said...

RP Guy. Its very odd. One of the first things I noticed in RP is how afraid people are of dogs here. I mean they jump across the street to avoid them at all cost. Walk around at night with my dog and I know im safe.

A dog is the safest thing to have in RP!

I think police should have these dogs as well. If they let a dog loose or threaten to let a dog loose when a fight is going on they will for sure stop.

Craig Gernhardt said...

A few years ago, Margot and I had a dog walking group called Paws4Peace.

Sadly after 6 months of safety walks, neighborhood get-togethers and poop-scoop cleanup's, we pulled the plug, because it wound up just Margot and I showing up.

Neighbors got burnt out.

Razldazlrr said...

I agree - I walk with my two big dogs and people move off the sidewalk or completely go to the other side of the street (it cracks me up!). I'm with you - the police need big german shepherds - that will stop the creeps from running!

BG said...

Hey Razz was one of your german Shep a pup? They grow so fast it might not be a pup now...

Anonymous said...

I am not a thirtten year old, i am 19 years old, and i got a pit bull, i live right there on colombia, youve probably seen me Craig

esdsdie said...

latinking, you just sound like a 13y/o wannabe thug. sorry. and i'm sure you'd be nothing without your gang. you've probably never accomplished anything on your own, and even your screenhandle is your gang. it's really rather sad.

cops need to get pit bulls because they look intimidating. one of my jobs is walking a pit bull, and she's the sweetest thing, but everyone is afraid of her just because she's a pitbull.
of course, when i was still living in RP, i was probably the one exception to this rule of everyone in RP wanting to avoid dogs. i tend to run up to the dog. dogs are cool.
teenagers not so much.

Man On The Street said...

I am not a thirtten year old, i am 19 years old, and i got a pit bull, i live right there on colombia, youve probably seen me Craig

Great. Thanks for being a walking cliche. Can't wait for the day you wake up and discover your nearly 30and wasted most of your life with this crap and then have to scrambling to piece together a "career" to make some money, mostly likely manual labor in some factory somewhere because you squandered all of those years when you could have been learning something that would qualify you as a boss rather than just a pair of hands.

Anonymous said...

Poor Pit Bulls... they really have become the dog for rednecks!

Anonymous said...

My whole family is supported by the government. We have Section 8, WIC, Link,. And we dont even buy food with our link cards. We buy liquor, cigarettes, and I can actually take out money on my Link in some stores. Thank you all of you tax payers for making me life the best.

Adelie said...

Well, latinking, you sound like you're full of shit.

But, even you're truly living off the back of taxpayers, enjoy it while you can. You see, because of people like you, we're quickly running out of money. I won't go over your head with the details, but suffice it to say, one day, in the not so distant future, all of those programs will be kaput. And you know what? You idiots will only have yourselves to thank! Good job, dude!

The rest of us, you know the folks who got an education, worked our butts off, saved money, we'll be doing just fine. And frankly, we really won't miss our money going to these corrupt and inefficient programs.

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