Friday, October 17, 2008

Loyola University Alerts Students About Armed Robbers

Attention Loyola Community,

Two robberies have occurred at the Granville Red Line station. The first took place on Monday, October 13, at 11 p.m., and the second on Tuesday, October 14, at 2 a.m. The 11 p.m. robbery involved a female Loyola student.

An African-American, male offender grabbed the Loyola student and threatened her with a knife and gun if her money and credit cards were not turned over to him. She complied. The student was then told to get on a southbound train, which she did. She later contacted Loyola's Department of Campus Safety, as well as the Chicago Police Department, who is following up on both incidents. Fortunately, the student did not require medical attention.

The offender is described as an African-American male, 20-30 years of age, 5 foot - 7 inches, 150 pounds. He is of dark complexion, with a dark mark on his upper lip, wearing a black hooded jacket with a swirly design on the front, and blue jean pants.

If you observed or have information concerning this incident or a similar one, please contact Loyola's Department of Campus Safety immediately at 773.508.6039.

It is important to be aware of these events so that we can collectively prevent them from happening in the future.

Keep the following safety tips in mind to help you avoid dangerous situations:

-Travel with someone else whenever possible

-Know the bus or subway schedule ahead of time, so you aren't forced to wait longer than necessary.


Department of Campus Safety


Razldazlrr said...

How about the option of putting campus or city police at those stops or some type of security? Again, I have emailed the alderman's office about the Granville and Morse stops and the creeps that hang out there - I was told it used to be that way but now nothing to worry about - sure............

YourChicagoFriend said...

Fucking low-life punks have no respect for anything. Would rather commit a violent act of robbery than take responsibility for their own lives.

It's sickening the way Rogers Park and Edgewater have become the natural homes for the worst of our society.

I'm guessing this sort of thing causes the parents of Loyola students to think twice about sending their kids to this dangerous community full of gun toting scumbags.

Ken said...

When This semister first started, I did find two officers (CPD) on foot patrol on Aurthur at 11:00pm. I was impressed. Of course, that was just for show. We do need more walking beats. Bike patrols help, but you see more on foot and it is more of a deterrance. The parents of Loyola syudents spend a lot of $ sending there children here, they do deserve protection. Of course, the CPD can't even control high school students as of late. The school may not provide tax dollars to the community, but the students sure do. That is of course unless they shop elsewhere because they don't feel safe here.

Man On The Street said...

How about the option of putting campus or city police at those stops or some type of security?

Well, there used to be a Loyola Campus security office RIGHT NEXT DOOR to the Granville stop. Now everytime I walk by there I just see a desk and a chair and a light that is burning electricity for apparently no good reason. I never see anyone inside anymore so don't know if it's still functioning.

If you go to Google Maps and search "graville and broadway chicago" you can navigate east on Granville and see the office right there. The map says the address is 1116 w. Granville.

esdsdie said...

"know the bus or subway schedule..."
lol. i had no idea that the cta actually stuck to a schedule.

Razldazlrr said...

eddie = I also thought that comment was ridiculous - like the CTA schedule makes a bit of difference!!! Especially the bus - that's a joke. Seems to me campus security should be watching this area instead of telling the students this nonsense.

Craig Gernhardt said...

Ken said...> "When This semester first started, I did find two officers (CPD) on foot patrol on Aurthur at 11:00pm. I was impressed. Of course, that was just for show.

The last few semesters I've noticed that too. In the beginning of the school season they give this big show of force. Then, as the school year moves along, so does the show of force.

Man On The Street said...

The last few semesters I've noticed that too. In the beginning of the school season they give this big show of force. Then, as the school year moves along, so does the show of force.

That's because they know most of the freshmen will be accompanied by their parents for a few days and probably staying at the rooms in the Granada building. Once mom and pop go back to Iowa, screw it.

Man On The Street said...

Oh, and I find the fact that there are only TWO safety tips they can think of to recomment kinda funny too...

Keep the following safety tips in mind to help you avoid dangerous situations:

-Travel with someone else whenever possible

-Know the bus or subway schedule ahead of time, so you aren't forced to wait longer than necessary.

What a joke.

Chip Bagg said...

RE: The offender is described as an African-American male, 20-30 years of age, 5 foot - 7 inches.....

BIG suprise!!

The North Coast said...

Thanks for the alert. I use the Granville stop a lot and am surprised to hear of this.

Doesn't the typical law enforcement admonishment to "travel with someone else whenever possible" just gall the hell out of you?

I mean, this area is stuffed with people who live alone, or who have to travel alone. I have many errands to run on my way up the road on the train, and wouldn't expect someone to accompany me on them, nor would I expect to be able to drag someone along when I have to be out late.

We are pretty far down the road to failure as a society when we accept this corrosive insecurity as a given.

Sticky Fingers said...

Oh jeez yourchicagofriend. The vast majority of Loyola students end up being fine. The ones that do, half the time have been out drinking and make themselves targets. Loyola is an excellent's not as "safe" as other areas but this is a far cry from being an Englewood.

There is a campus security station right outside the Granville stop.

That being said, being a single female student taking night classes I had a few times where I felt distinctly uncomfortable walking from class to the L...and it's not always easy to find someone to walk with when everyone has hectic schedules.

esdsdie said...

razldazzlr- in order to actually watch the area, campus security would have to get off their asses for once. that's just TOO MUCH WORK! they're just as bad as all the other lowlife that rob students, because they get paid to be useless.
oh, and the cta's scheduling is so bad that i actually broke down and got a car, which is something i thought i would never, ever need to do as long as i live in a city with public transportation.

MadeInRogersPark said...

Oh Loyola,Loyla! Back in day before all the hype there were always many many problems with their security! Yes it really must help have a security office, a light burning and no ne home.
Loyola does have its own transportation between its Downtown Campus....take the bus....go with a friend or take a fricking taxi!
There are always creeps hanging around Loyola.
About 30 years ago there were some real serious,vicious attacks on women....most of them girl was stabbed in the vestibule of her parents home....she was let for dead but survived....the police asked
loyola not to publish any info on the crime...CPD thought they had a good lead....but the next day it was allover the
phoenix------that is how
Lyoola works with CPD

I am a Loyola Alum but I wouldn't walk anywhere around the campus not now, not ever ALONE!!!!!

Dr Who said...

Somebody got things wrong. There was one robbery that happened the 13th, buy was reported around 2 am on the 14th. Though there was another on the platform last night, the 17th. around 10 pm.....

ZombieDante said...

Loyola provides a free service, called the 8 Ride, to its students, driving them anywhere they want to go within a certain number of miles from the Rogers Park campus. Students can call for a ride to the grocery store, to their off campus housing, pretty much anywhere they'd need to get to in the area around school. I think that's a good example of the school doing something for its students and trying to keep them safe. We live in an imperfect neighborhood with a lot of crime. I don’t want to blame the victims, but there is a certain amount of responsibility you have to take for your own safety. If a school sponsored ride is offered to you for free, take it. Try not to put yourself in a possibly dangerous situation if you can help it. I think that is what the school means when it says students should try and memorize bus schedules (admittedly, a laugh) and ride with company. These are simple suggestions, but I think the students need them. They seem to feel impervious to their environment at times.

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