Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Beatdown on Touhy

3:20 PM: A group of males and females jumped on and beat up one person at Touhy and Ashland. The group of offenders fled the scene after the whoop-down and left the victim helpless and bleeding. EMS has been called as the bleeding victim was hit on the head with a bicycle lock.

3:24 PM: A group of teens have been stopped a Sherwin and Ashland. Police are bringing the victim over for identification.


Pamela said...

I called this in (presumably, along with others). 911 did not ask for my name. If they had, I would have given it. The fight was actually south of Touhy, in front of my house.

It was horrible. About 20+ boys beat the shit out of one hapless kid. What kind of a society raises children to be so violent toward another? School bus pulled up and driver kept honking to try and break it up but the driver was clearly not comfortable wading into the fray. Don't really blame him as he was not a big person. Nor am I. All I could do was call police and tell them to come FAST and bring an ambulance.

Man On The Street said...

you did the right thing. I wouldn't expect any one person to get physically involved in a mess like that. As for the kind of society, I used to think I knew, but don't anymore. It's not like these kids are fighting for survival; they more than likely have a decent place to live, new gym shoes, whatever. It's more likely some bullshit reason for this (he stepped on my shoe, talked to my boyfriend, whatever). And I am at a loss to figure out how one kids posed enough of a threat or danger or had managed to offend TWENTY kids so much that ALL of them had to get their licks in on them. For some reason they felt the need to take out some aggression on this kid, regardless of whether he personally did something to them individually or not. The herd mentality, I guess, but I can't picture a scenario from my teen years where I WANTED to be part of a mob that beats up one person. WTF? Some weird disconnet from violence. I guess the only think that would bring home how wrong and weird this is would be for it to happen to one of them.

And I'm sure it sounds old fashioned to these kids and would make me a "punk" in their eyes, but I couldn't do that knowing that that's not the kind of person my mother raised, the kind of kid who would take part in a mob beating. I remember arguing with a guy one time when I was a kid and I hauled off and hit him in the mouth for no reason. It was a pretty good shot I have to admit, but to this day I hate myself for doing that.

BG said...

It is very sad that this happens. I cant wait to get out of here and move to a healthy location. Keep on calling in! Pamela thank you for that.

Pete said...

Oh, come on. With all that's happening, let those kids have some fun. You should dress up as Scrooge too!

rogers park guy said...

Fuckin cowards im tired of those fucken gang bangers thinkin they the shit they deserve to get there ass kick coward aasses jumpin on one person im betting the one person is not even a gang banger cowards go find an even number to fight n see how yall get yall ass whoop

newgarder said...

Hey rogersparkguy,
I don't think that F-U-C-K-E/I-N is spelled properly.

Let's stay focussed when commenting on the big issues here-O.K.

Thank you.

floss said...

Fatherless children.

Welfare said fathers are no longer necessary.

Chicago Venue Review said...

Were any of the assailants from the Lawrence Hall Youth Services homes located either a bloack east or a block west on Touhy?

Anonymous said...

Thanx Pamela, for dialing 911. Officers in six police cars stopped, trapped, and corralled the motley crew (or mob?) at Sherwin and Ashland. A neighbor's fence served as a barrier preventing escape, it was a handy tool for what the police needed to do. This was just two blocks from the start of the incident you saw.

There were at least 10 young guys stretched out on the police cars from what I saw. Twice that number of youths didn't get stopped by the police. They stood watching from the sidelines. I could not stay long so I don't know if arrests were made, but I really hope so.

Anonymous said...

Craig, me and you need to go outside and walk around Rogers Park talking to these gang bangers.

gleafsentinel said...

Well I'm certainly glad the cops got them! Any news on the health of the victim? As an aside I agree with Kung Fu. What kind of civil liberties issues would be involved in forced sterilization for the parents of these 'cowards'??

rogers park guy said...

newgarder your right i apologize. as you can see i grew up the neighborhood of howard street and jonquil. i apologize for my language and they way i be typing the words. after years of mistyping you get use to it. but regardless the gang bangers deserve jail time for this. i just wrote couple of days ago how the gangs are cowards and they dont fight one on one

Save Street End Beaches said...

Someone should have videotaped it -- not for You Tube but for the police and the parents. These "children" should be held accountable for their actions.

Razldazlrr said...

bg - don't just think it happens here - i'm not sure where this "healthy" location is - let us all in on it. Part of it has to come from poor parenting or maybe really young parents. I certainly didn't grow up that way. Throw in a genuine "bad apple" and everyone is ready to punch!

rogers park guy said...

If im the parent I would fight for the max sentence put them all in jail and have their parents pay for the medical bills. . 20+ gang bangers in jail that would break the gang into pieces.

Pamela said...

I should have taped it, or even taken photographs, but it happened so quickly and I was more concerned with getting the police to save the kid.

But here's the thing: hasn't this kind of activity been happening all fall? It seems like the schools/kids need an intervention of some kind. We can talk about bad parenting all we want but that won't solve immediate problems. My heart really breaks for these kids. I can't imagine what it would have been like to go to school with the threat of violence hanging over my head every day.

I know we have a lot of well-meaning groups and organizations in RP but they either aren't strong enough (financially or human resource-wise)or their efforts aren't working. I'd love to see a community meeting with reps from the school, from the kids, from the police, from the various social orgs. in RP to talk about what is happening and what is needed. Invite citizens interested in WORKING on this (not just talking about it). There is a lot of talent and a lot of people who care and will work to do something in RP. I think most of us just don't know where to go to help or how to help.

billyjoe said...

"But here's the thing: hasn't this kind of activity been happening all fall?"

It's been happening in RP for years. . . . popularly known as "gooning."

And as for dealing with it, RP residents break into two groups.

One side offers comments such as "What kind of civil liberties issues would be involved in forced sterilization for the parents of these 'cowards'??"

And the other side offers the predictable "I'd love to see a community meeting with reps from the school, from the kids, from the police, from the various social orgs. in RP to talk about what is happening and what is needed. Invite citizens interested in WORKING on this (not just talking about it). There is a lot of talent and a lot of people who care and will work to do something in RP."

The real answer?

Look for Craig's unhinged and hysterical daily posting when Sullivan High School students hit the streets later this afternoon.

ms21 said...

I was wondering when billyjoe would show up. I was worried that I would miss today's enlightening sermon.

Sticky Fingers said...

If it were true every fatherless child would end up a hooligan I would have ended up in jail a long time ago. Be careful to paint all single parents and their kids in the same brushstroke.

I think there are parents in the RP that do care and just don't know how to control their kids...ie have no idea how to effectively parent. Just as there are a lot of parents in RP that really just don't care. Every day kids leave the home for 8 hours and associate with others and are subject to peer pressure.

The biggest thing is...very little is expected out of these young people. The schools don't expect enough out of them and neither do the parents and community. How can these kids find a way to achieve when the bar is set so low to begin with?

gleafsentinel said...

Wanna save the children?? Get an abortion. That's what the mother's of these kids should have done a long time ago.

Anonymous said...

haha gleaf, you are so funny, all the trouble makers are black and hispanic.

BG said...

Hey Razldazlrr The "Healthy location" from my experience has been in Michigan and outside 15 miles + of Chicago. Don't get me wrong Im sure there are bad parts in these locations but most are paradise compared to RP. I lived just outside of Grand Rapids for 18 years and in Chicago for the past 6 years. As soon as I can, I'm out of here! Im just so sick of seeing RP bad sides. There is not a day that goes by where i don't see some type of negative situation that goes on. Yesterday I saw a young couple fighting. The Man was pushing a young female around like a rag doll. Where im from we just dont do that! The day before people were having sex next to my back door. WTF! I mean right next to it! Kids constantly throwing away trash/beer over our sidewalks! Its like the kids dont see the trash cans that are 10 feet away. Constant sirens, shootings and fighting surround me on a daily basis. I know im not alone. I try to find the good in RP and do find it! Some people are what i call "Normal" are here but its on a block by block basis. Here most people look after themselves. In the Healthy locations people look after each other. It's kind of sad to say but moving is the best option for me. Reading this blog everyday gives me the motivation to get the fu@! out of RP! I just feel bad for the Parents with children that see the bad sides of RP. I know i should be getting involved to help but my motivation is mutual to the people that surround me :(

billyjoe said...

BG: I would have to say there is something in the water in Grand Rapids if you moved to Chicago and chose to live in RP. What were you thinking?

Was it the cheap rents, or the proximity to the lake? Those are the two chief attributes that attract naive chumps to RP.

BG said...

Billyjoe: Well, my education is the main reason why I moved to Chicago. When I was done with Film school I moved to RP because of the Cheap rent. I can get twice the space for half the price in RP compared to downtown. I didn't care too much about the lake but now that I'm so close to the lake, I love it! As soon as the commercial/film industry opens up in Michigan i will be peeling out of RP with my finger in the air. I believe that RP is the best option for me now. I just wish the people were better.

billyjoe said...

"Film School?"

You shelled out all that money, then someone invented YouTube, which has made EVERYONE a film auteur.

rogerspark60645 said...

God bless Grand Rapids!

BG said...

Youtube = film auteur? Ohh you make me laugh.

I'm not even going to get into this.

Columbia was worth every penny.

Yes God bless GR and the "Normal People"

Razldazlrr said...

Well sure - there are going to be differences with a small to mid sized town compared to a huge city - that's the reason a lot of us are in Chicago! I have always lived on the near north side and moved up here a year ago - I do love the lake and I did get a great deal on a beautiful condo. However, I wish there were less thugs/gangbanger types wandering around and I'm with you - why the hell do people throw their trash all over the ground up here??? I have actually asked people when I see them throwing something on the ground and they are a few steps from a trash can. I emailed the alderman's office several times asking for more trash cans. I'm participating in my block group and a few other community meetings/groups. People have to get mad and do something to make a difference!

BG said...

Razldazlrr you are right. I know I will live in the woods as soon as can. The only thugs i will worry about are the raccoons. LOL I even see those in RP on Ashland in someones water pond :)

There def. needs to be trash cans Esp on the west side of the schools! Ok now im getting Mad..... :)

Bosworth said...

More trash cans? You won't get them from this alderman or his staff. When I asked 2 years ago for trash cans, I was told by the alderman's office he won't install more trash cans because people fill them up!! If you want a cleaner neighborhood, you'll have to do all the work yourself. You won't get any help from the alderman.

Bosworth said...

More trash cans? You won't get them from this alderman or his staff. When I asked 2 years ago for trash cans, I was told by the alderman's office he won't install more trash cans because people fill them up!! If you want a cleaner neighborhood, you'll have to do all the work yourself. You won't get any help from the alderman.

Razldazlrr said...

bosworth - I have been told the same thing, which is insane. Ok - let me think here - fill up the trash cans or throw the trash on the ground?? And then the alderman's office wants us to take our Saturday and walk around the neighborhood picking up trash! However, I have noticed idiots that put their entire trash bags next to the trash can - so bazaar - all they have to do is walk around to the alley to dump it. Again - I guess it just goes back to a lack of "training" and personal courtesy of some people.

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