Wednesday, October 15, 2008

A Message From Senator Steans

Dear Friends,

While there is understandably a great deal of focus on the national elections, we have some terrific state races that also need our help. Illinois is facing very serious problems - dysfunction among our leaders, corruption, an ongoing structural budget deficit (our unfunded pension liabilities along are about $50 billion), and an educational system which is not preparing our kids adequately, to name just a few. It is critical that we elect folks who will help tackle these problems.

There is one democratic candidate for an open State Senate seat that was held by a Republican for the last 20+ years that I am particularly hopeful about (the outgoing State Senator, Bill Peterson, is retiring). Bill Gentes is the democratic candidate for Senate District 26 in Lake County. Bill is the Mayor of Round Lake. One of the first things he did upon election was fire the police chief. This was an unpopular move at the time, but an investigation then found that the police chief was involved in selling guns illegally. Bill has the endorsement of environmental groups, pro-choice groups and education groups. I am also convinced he will support ethics reforms. I canvassed for him last this week-end, and when given information about Bill he clearly wins support. He also stands a strong chance to win if we can get his name recognition up. Recent polls show him very close to his opponent (Dan Duffy). His opponent has been on cable television, and Bill is not. Bill has a terrific mail program, however, and a very strong field organization (close to 30,000 homes have been canvassed, a huge number). For the first time in recent history more democratic ballots were pulled in this district than Republican ballots. All signs are good if we get his story out.

I will be canvassing again for Bill Gentes this Sunday, October 19th. Personal PAC, the pro-choice PAC, is also canvassing for him the weekend of October 25-26th. I would love to recruit volunteers for any of these times, and very much appreciate any time you can give. Please call or email me if you have any questions or would like further information about Bill Gentes (my cell is 312-320-9091).

Thanks for your help!

Blognotes: Don't forget to vote for Heather too. Not often have I come across a public official willing to address crime head-on with her/his constituents. Personally, I'm very impressed with Heather Steans as my State Senator. She knows we have a crime problem in Rogers Park. She told me she wants to help. I've also contacted her office about holding a Town Hall forum in Rogers Park similar to the one's in Uptown. She said she had to get Joe Moore involved. Maybe that's been the hold-up?


yo said...

I'm on the fence with regards to Heather.

She's said a lot of good things; but her vote against a recall amendment and her connections to some scoundrels have me scratching my head as to the depth of her devotion.

Her appearances at Town Halls have been heartening and I do enjoy the lip service.

However, with the city, county and state governments steeped in crooked, tax hiking democrats, I'm not sure I can support the party.

Having said that, since the Bill Gentes made an unpopular move to fire a bad cop, does this mean that Heather is sympathetic to Sarah Palin regarding Troopergate?

Isaac Marshall said...

Vote all the incumbents out. Send a message that we want real change.

Let the new office holders try to fix government or they will suffer the same fate at the next election.

billyjoe said...

Yo sez:

"However, with the city, county and state governments steeped in crooked, tax hiking democrats, I'm not sure I can support the party."

David Cay Johnston in Forbes magazine re "What's wrong with our current tax system?": Most Americans believe what turns out to be a myth--that we heavily tax the highest-income Americans to subsidize the poor. What the government's data show is that the middle class and upper middle class--people making $30,000 to $500,000 per year--are subsidizing the highest-income taxpayers. Tax rates on the middle and upper middle classes are rising, the government's data show, but for the people who make millions per year, effective tax rates are falling dramatically.

Yeah, dumbass Yo, this is all thanks to "Tax Hiking Democrats."

yo said...

Again, billyjoe ... lead trumpet in the Chicago Machine Lock Step Marching Band tries to make himse'f look all smart and such but pulling a quote that isn't relevant.

Who said anything about subsidizing anyone?

Actually, who said anything about the Federal tax rates?

Who said anything about the Feds, at all?

I'm talking about that lovely 10.25% sales TAX in Cook County brought about by a Dem.

What about the $0.05 per bottle of water city TAX. (dem sponsored)

Delivery TAX. Entertainment TAX.

Are those myths?

Razldazlrr said...

Yo - I agree - thanks!

Isaac Marshall said...

Hey billyjoedumbass

the top 1% of american earners still pay 40% of the taxes.

democrats or republican, they make more and pay more. it is just a subjective argument point to decide what is the fair share of taxes.

billyjoe said...

What you all dont take into account is that Republican-led tax policies have forced cities to raise taxes to cover services. The rich pay less taxes, and you pay more for police protection, park fees, drivers permits fees, et cetera.

yo said...

What you all dont take into account is that Republican-led tax policies have forced cities to raise taxes to cover services.


Republican tax policy isn't responsible for the high level of corruption sponsored by the mayor, or Stroger, or any number of the worthless chair moisteners in local gub'mint.

Did republican tax policy seal a deal between the mayor and the unions? Or, induce Hizzoner to appoint a bunch of mouth breathers onto the aviation commission?


Nope, it didn't.

I'm not saying the GOP is perfect (far from it, indeed); but, for you tell me that GOP tax policy prompted the aforementioned taxes is both ignorant and insulting.

Feel free to blow that sort of balloon juice out yer spit valve, champ; cuz, and not to mix metaphors; but, that dog ain't gonna hunt.

libby said...

Forgive and forget is where it's at except when it’s not. Is buying a senate seat while aiding and a betting Ronen's pension scam ok? Is being number 2 in the governor's $25,000 club ok? Is it ok not to report a bus load of campaign expenses? Is it ok to talk the TIF talk while walking one into Lawndale? Is it ok that the senator opposes basic bank regulation and will not restrict pay days loans? We deserve better than a nicer looking version of Ronen.

Craig Gernhardt said...

I addressed all those issues and more. The voters didn't seem to care.

I heart the R.P. said...

I voted today, including a vote for Heather Sterns.
It felt great :)

DorothyParker007 said...

Watch out Heather these folks aka Craigster will turn on you in a heartbeat.

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