Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Obama Campaign Sign Replaced

Hey Craig. It appears someone in the Moore household does read your blog! The graffiti Obama sign you posted yesterday has been replaced with a new one. Maybe you want to swing by for a look or picture? Anyhow, thanks for making my day. A loyal follower who lives on Fargo.

Blognotes: Thanks, but no thanks. I'll take your word for it.


billyjoe said...

If there are piles of dog crap near the sign, Craig might be interested in photographing them.

Chip Bagg said...

If there are piles of dog crap near the sign, that would just be normal for this neighborhood. The dog owners and walkers are all morons.

2good4u2 said...

What is wrong with letting a dog, cat or person taking a crap on Joe's lawn. He turned this neighborhood into crap.

E! said...

If there are piles of billyjoe near the sign, Craig might be interested in crapping on them.

billyjoe said...

The positive effects of such ribbing will likely compell Craig to stop photographing and posting piles of dog shit. And that's a good thing.

Isaac Marshall said...

If Craig photographs BillyJoe, would that be the same as a photo of a pile of crap?

BillyJoe'sBrain said...

I bet people would pay good money to see a typing pile of crap like billyjoe.

Chip Bagg said...

I like Craig's photos of dog crap.
Shows the dog people for what morons they are. And where is this Obama sign? I'd like to take a crap on it myself.

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