Thursday, October 23, 2008

Rogers Park Man Arrested in Evanston

From Evanston Alderman Ann Rainey:

DATE & TIME OF OCCRRENCE: 21, October 2008: 19:23

EVIDENCE: Narcotics & U.S.C.
RECOVERED: Same as Evidence
LKA: 1714 Juneway, Chicago, IL

SUMMARY: Officers were on routine patrol when they observed two (2) M/Hispanics in the alley behind 337 Custer that appeared to making a narcotic purchase. A third individual, JOHNSON, Jerry apparently came out to deliver the narcotics not knowing the officers were there conducting their investigation. When ordered to stop, JOHNSON fled and was captured by Officer by the rear door of the apartment building.

As they struggled, Officers fell backwards through the rear door into the laundry room with the door closing and locking behind them. Officer came to the aid of his partner and jumped through a window in the laundry room to help take JOHNSON into custody. JOHNSON was attempting to remove Officers weapon from his holster and he was subsequently administered pepper spray to gain compliance. Officers are being treated for pepper spray in their eyes and Officer received a cut to his left-middle finger.


Man On The Street said...

Man, great work by the cops. Sounds like some action movie stuff, jumping through windows, falling through doors. Cool...

floss said...

God bless the police.

billyjoe said...

Wow. All that "bravery" to thwart what was probably a $20 drug purchase. Certainly not something to almost get killed over.

I'd rather see the cops protecting residents from all the thug battery that Craig is constantly posting on this blog.

Unknown said...

billyjoe: Dedicated to making the rest of the world seem intelligent.

I live here too said...

Amazing job my the coppers. Was it Chicago or Evanston PO's? Anybody know? Sounds like Evanston, but the address looks like Juneway.

billyjoe said...

Rogersparking: Can't handle the truth, eh?

Unknown said...

Thank you once again, billyjoe.

Craig Gernhardt said...

ILHT: The arrest happened by the Evanston police at 327 Custer.

Isaac Marshall said...

billyjoe the moron:

if it is such a minor crime, why would offender run and then try to take cops gun?

too bad the cops didnt kill him in the struggle. honestly, running from the police is one thing, but if he was trying to take the gun, what does billyjoe think he was going to do with it?

mcl said...

The address given as the 'perps' residence (1714 Juneway) is a NorthPoint building on Juneway Terrace. Surprise, surprise!

billyjoe said...

Isaac: I repeat--All that "bravery" to thwart what was probably a $20 drug purchase. Certainly not something to almost get killed over.

Sample scenario: Cops see someone getting gooned and robbed by a bunch of violent youths on one side of the street, and a crack dealer selling someone a $10 rock on the other side.

Which incident would you rather they respond to first?

billyjoe said...

PS: If the narcotic was marijuana, their dramatic, life-threatening apprehension of the suspect was even more misguided.

Unknown said...


Seriously. Put a sock in it.

Isaac Marshall said...

billyjoe the moron:

when they become police officers, they know any minor incident can become deadly. that is the risk they take and why they do not get enough respect from morons like you.

of course there are times when they may witness two crimes at the same time and have to choose which incident to intervene. such as public drinking and an assault. at the same time they are supposed to intervene whenever the law is broken, even though we may agree that some laws are not worth enforcing.

the assumption you are making is that another crime was being committed and they decided to chase this drug dealer instead of some other criminal.

and this minor offense was escalated by the offender to attempted murder in my eyes. that is why I want him dead. if he was willing to try and disarm a cop, then what other measures might he take up in his other criminal activates?

he should be dead and you are joining the club with your idiocy!

Hillari said...

The guy tried to take the cop's gun? He was lucky he wasn't blown away by the cop's partner.

Man On The Street said...

Sample scenario: Cops see someone getting gooned and robbed by a bunch of violent youths on one side of the street, and a crack dealer selling someone a $10 rock on the other side.

that might be relevant at some other point, but in this case, the one we're discussing, it wasn't. There was ONE crime going on right in front of them and they had to respond to it. That's their job. Case closed. Next time, maybe they'll have to choose and you're scenario will come into play. This time it doesn't.

BillyJoe'sBrain said...

I'm embarassed (per i heart the r.p.)for all of you replying to billyjoe...

use2binrp said...

What the heck is going on in RP. I lived there many years ago and it was a great place. Lived in many apartments - Lakewood, Ashland, Pratt and even Morse. Finally got married - by the way met my husband on the "L". Have great memories of RP. My husband passed away and I moved to Colorado. I still have family in Chicago and was back about 8 years ago. The area was changing, just didn't realize how bad it's gotten. Sorry to hear all the drama. On the lighter side is Alberto's Pizza still good?

Big Daddy said...

So Billyjoe, are you suggesting that the Police look the other way when they see crimes like this because some think they are minor infractions?

Fargo Woman said...

used2binrp, as far as I'm concerned there's none better in all Chicago. I understand they've got some problems when it comes to be a "good neighbor" (parking issues, etc.) but for my money, their Pizza can't be beat.


Razldazlrr said...

use2binrp - I think it's still a great place - lucky for us Craig keeps people accountable - We could use a better Alderman that actually cares about the people, crime, etc but the pizza is great and the lake is beautiful !

sandy said...

use2binrp, I agree with you. I moved to Rogers Park in 1987 and Morse Avenue was a beautiful place. There was a great dinner restaurant with white linen table cloths and a two block waiting line every evening. The Top Hat was a place where neighbors gathered for a drink and social events and there was a wounderful family restaurant on the northwest corner by the ell that was always packed with families looking for a great breakfast or lunch. There was also a Jewell grocery and well known variety store that sold many top of the line products as well as many "successful" family run businesses. There were no drug dealers or prostitutes or people getting mugged. It was a "GREAT" place. A person could spend the day shopping and socializing up and down Morse Avenue and have an enjoyable day. I'm like use2binrp

I live here too said...


What the hell happened is....


Wait for it...

Joe Moore!

17 years of his inept, pandering, outsider (to the mayor), "progressive", "non-leadership!

Mind you, until the past year or so, generally speaking, the past 10-15 years represented a booming economy, falling unemployment, falling welfare rolls, and the largest real estate building/converting cycle since WW II.

We can debate the economic/real estate stuff, but until about a year ago what I just represented was the general consensus.

Man On The Street said...


Well, it may be Joe Moore, but it was also the CHA's Plan for Transformation which began in 2000 and resulted in the destruction of MANY public housing units and the relocation of many of its residetns.

don't get me wrong, I'm not blaming all of the former residents of Robert Taylor, Cabrini-Green, etc. for everything going on now, but a lot of the bad elements (gang bangers, drug dealers, etc) of those places were moved or followed the rest of the residents to places like RP, Uptown, etc. When it comes to gangbanging and drug dealing, there's safety in numbers, so they all flocked to the same areas and set up shop again.

Like i said, not all of the people who lived in those places are bad. A lot of them just want to work, raise their kids in a nice place and have a nice place to live like everyone else. But a lot of them simply don't give a f*ck, an attitude that was fosters in the public housing projects, and they brought that attitude with them. Loitering and gambling in the park? Why not? we did it in Cabrini and the cops said nothing so why can't we do it here? Loitering on the corner impeding the flow of pedestrian traffic? Why not? We did it on the streets around Horner so why not here?

The CHA tried to convince everyone that it would work, saying they were going to build new mixed income developments and let the residents come back but that plan pretty much fell by the wayside. And there were supposed to be all of these programs to get the former residents job-ready and to ready to live in mixed communities, but that also was forgotten about. And there was also supposed to be an effort to spread the residens out so that they all don't end up grouping back together and creating another pocket of poverty. But after a while, the CHA el al said "F*ck it, find whatever you can find and live there." And they did.. the gangbangers hooked bakc up with their old cohorts and started their activity all over again in a new place, in this case RP. And so you have what you have now. Will it get better? Who knows? HOW will it get better? Again, who knows?

Here is an interesting quote from a South Side community activist regardin the Plan:

"According to Harold L. Lucas, longtime Bronzeville resident and founder of the Black Metropolis Convention and Tourism Council, the influx of public housing residents into the South Side has left Chicago’s black community just as regionally segregated as it has always been, only with additional negative impacts.

“The antisocial behaviors that were contained in public housing have also been transferred into more stable communities further south,” Lucas said.

The antisocial behaviors Lucas refers to are the drug and crime problems that Chicago public housing was, at one point, nationally recognized for. “You don’t break those [antisocial] patterns overnight,” Lucas said. “They are endemic to the culture of poverty.”

Here are a few links to stories abut the Plan:

Story 1

Story 2

Story 3

RP4Life said...

You forgot to mention, The City of Chicago putting the burden of police work on the community aka C.A.P.S. What a joke. David Orr was just as bad.

billyjoe said...

If someone suggested that Rogers Park be renamed "Cabrini-Green North," I wouldn't have a problem with that.

Man On The Street said...

Just want to reinterate that I am NOT lumping all former CHA residents into that category. Those buildings were hellholes (where'd I pick up that word from?) and needed to be torn down, but the "evil" was bound to come out with the good.

And in the interest of full disclosure, I worked in the Communications Department of CHA at the time of the Plan For Transformation.

Big Daddy said...

Man on the Street-We NEVER allowed them to loiter or gamble in the park in Cabrini. We wouldn't even allow them to wander about the buildings unless they were visiting a relative. They couldn't even enter another building without a valid reason. We never allowed them to loiter on the corners in Horner. That is until your friends in the ACLU said "the hell with the man on the street. He has no rights and we are not concerned about his quality of life. We are more concerned with the quality of life of the gangbangers and thugs. We think they should be allowed to hang out". So as you can see, once the ACLU started filing their lawsuits against every single effort we undertook to prevent them from hanging out on your corner, the loitering increased ten fold. But don't blame us. Call your friends at the ACLU who started this mess. Blame them. We WANT your quality of life to be as good as it can be. We DON'T want gangbangers hanging out or loitering. But until someone in the ACLU acquires some common sense, things will remain the same. We now have a nonsensical solution were certain areas are designated gang or narcotic loitering hotspots. Those are the ONLY spots in a district that the Police can actually arrest a gang member for hanging out. A solution that did withstand another attack by the ACLU. A solution that doesn't work. But the ACLU likes it.

use2binrp said...

I remember visiting RP as a child - my grand ]mother lived in a 6 flat at 1055 w columbia - steps from the sand - I would love to see that apartment today - has to be unbelievable. I moved to RP in 1972 - there was drugs - the "hippies" used them. I don't remember people being killed for them. RP was predominately Jewish. Many of the Jewish people moved to Skokie and then came the scare of apartments going Condo. People couldn't afford condos so they moved. At that point many different ethnicities moved in but it was still a great place. In a few block span you could eat, Chinese, Greek, Korean, American and Italian. I always felt safe walking around. I moved to Colorado in 1990 things still weren't terrible - a few "snakey" people - but what neighborhood doesn't have that. Maybe it's not just RP it the whole city, state, nation changing. I know things have even gotten worse in Colorado since I moved here. The gangs are very much to blame - not sure what to do though are jails are already over crowded. Sometimes I think the police are fighting a loosing battle. I always thought that guy that owned the cobbler's shop was a little shadey - I'm not sure if he was selling drugs or not - but things weren't totally on the up and up - any news on him? I'm glad Alberto's is still there what about Flukey's on Western? Boy I do miss Chicago food.

Bosworth said...

Are you reading this Northpoint management? Another one of your fine, upstanding residents has been arrested. Make sure you note this when the lease is up for renewal. If he is even listed on a lease.....

DorothyParker007 said...

Its my understanding that Evanston is going to build a tall enough wall with guard dogs so anyone from Rogers Park is gunned down before entrance.

Razldazlrr said...

dorothyparker - LOL - good one! The tearing down of Cabrini and other places like it were a joke. You can't truly have people from some different cultures living in one group! I'm going to pay market value for a beautiful place while they get it with Section 8 or free? I don't think so!! This is a really nice area and we need to do our best to get the scumbags, gangbangers and general lowlifes that just walk the streets out of here!

Man On The Street said...

Man on the Street-We NEVER allowed them to loiter or gamble in the park in Cabrini.

Big daddy, with all due respect, I had to make regular "wellness calls" on elderly residents on a regular basis. I've been inside the high rises with the darkened floors and seen guys gambling in the hallway and had to step over them to get to the elderly woman's apartment (they were mostly old women living alone for some reason). I've walked through the low rises, seen drinking, guys hanging out at that one liquor store about block east of Halsted and a couple blocks south of Chicgao ave. (can't remember the name). I've stumbled across gangbangers in dark hallways and had to convince them I wasn't a cop, just a guy from CHA checking on the older residents during the heat wave. I've seen the gambling in Seward before the "rennovation" and the new condos, etc.

Like I said, it's not all residents that engaged in this, and, yes, gambling and drinking happen in other areas too (I'
ve seen gambling and drinking by Bridgeport guys in the park that was near the old White Sox park too.) But don't say it didn't exist or that you didn't "let" them gamble or drink. That suggest that the people in the park in Evanston are "letting" them do it.

Craig Gernhardt said...

I've been told the Northpoint resident who tried to steal the cops gun had $800 dollars on him. Not $20.

Man On The Street said...

I've been told the Northpoint resident who tried to steal the cops gun had $800 dollars on him. Not $20.

Maybe he had just cashed his economic stimulus check...

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