Saturday, October 25, 2008

Shots Fired on Juneway

Multiple neighbor emails tell me there were 'shots fired' at 1546 West Juneway Terrace last night around 3:15 AM. One emailer says a person was seen lying on the ground. Another emailer tells me a car was abandoned at Ashland and Juneway after the shooting and had to be towed. One emailer said an alleged shooter headed east on foot - then turned south through the alleyway.


Anonymous said...

That is one street I would not want to live on.

Isaac Marshall said...


have you seen some of the beautiful homes on juneway east of ashland???

and the proximity to the lake.....

even with the nonsense surrounding, i would live there maybe a new alderman could make some changes and it would be even better.

I live here too said...

Say it ain't so Joe.
Crime is not down!

"The City of Chicago has the right to ask tough questions, especially when our crime is up nearly 13 percent." *
* Jodi Weis, CPD Supt.

Chicago Beats New York, Los Angeles In Murders
Police Supt. Jody Weis To Take Hot City Council Hot Seat

Weis, a career FBI agent, took office this year with a mandate to clean up the department in the wake of several scandals. But murders have risen, and arrests have fallen, on his watch.

The alarming statistics were expected to come up on Friday when Police Supt. Jody Weis once again appeared before the City Council to address a crime rate that many believe has spun out of control.

RE: The Eastern most 2 blocks of Juneway have an amazing bunch of longtime owners that have really stuck it out to save that part of the neighborhood. Kudos to them all.

Unknown said...

This happened right outside my window, last night. I would have slept through it, but my girlfriend heard it all and woke me up. This is a really nice street... just not at 3am.

Anonymous said...

Issac, I agree, Juneway does have beautiful homes... very beautiful! I still would not want to live on that street until it was cleaned up.

Only if Joe Moore would go!

Anonymous said...

what is wrong with black people?

Craig Gernhardt said...

What makes you think the victim or offender was black?

For the record, according to my sources, the players were hispanic.

Please, stop playing the race card.

Isaac Marshall said...

latinking is too stupid to know better. don't try and set him straight because he is incapable of learning.

inside job said...

What is the root problem north of Howard?

I live here too said...

Approx 50% of total housing units subsidized Section 8/ other "non-profit".

Rental units NOH approx 80 % subsidized Section 8(vouchers) or other non-profit.

That's what I've read, and no I do not have the documentation, but I ask anybody who does to post.

Hillari said...

Latinking, if you are Latino, what gives you the right to hate on another race? Especially when you no doubt have had racism directed at you in the past?

Unknown said...

The problem here is with those nasty, nasty, WHITE people. They are loud, vulgar, and usually carry guns to settle their fights over who gets the last guzzle of white wine. The womenz are super-fat and dye their hair all sorts of crazy colors and torture it into braids or under dumb looking wigs. The menz wear their pants below their buttocks and carry deir cocktails in brown paper bags. Ah do fears doze white menz. Lawdy, Lawdy.

Man On The Street said...

Rachel slur, you are a comedic genius! Your combination of parody, sarcasm and satire is brilliant! We get it! By switching the tables and fliping the script you're saying it's BLACKS (or some other racial group other than the one you speak of) who are causing the problems! What a unique twist.

If all the idiots who keep throwing race in as the cause would focus that same anger on the lack of enforcement of gun laws that lets those weapons flow freely on the street we might have this problem solved. But I guess rase is an eaiser handle for slow thinkers to get a grip on.

Hillari said...

Well said, man on the street.

NRAMember said...

If all the idiots who keep throwing race in as the cause would focus that same anger on the lack of enforcement of gun laws that lets those weapons flow freely on the street we might have this problem solved.


Gun control laws which prohibit the rights of citizens to defend themselves are a main cause of the stranger-on-stranger crime problem in Chicago and other large American cities.

Man On The Street said...

Gun control laws which prohibit the rights of citizens to defend themselves are a main cause of the stranger-on-stranger crime problem in Chicago and other large American cities.

You'll notice in my post I said "the lack of enforcement of gun laws". If the existing gun laws were tightly enforced you wouldn't have to worry about laws that prohibit "the rights of citizens to defend themselves" with a gun. and I'm an anti-gun guy, but enforcing the existing laws is the first step.

floss said...

Large concentrations of subsidized housing in small areas ends up hurting the people it was intended to help.

Joe Moore ignored that lesson.

Maybe he's just a big hearted guy.
Maybe there was something in it for him.

Big Daddy said...

Man on the street, please tell me how the gun control laws are not enforced.

Man On The Street said...

Man on the street, please tell me how the gun control laws are not enforced.

How about conducting background checks for handguns sales in Indiana (where many of the guns on the streets of Chicago come from) which are required by law but are rarely enforced?

How about checking if the person buying a gun in Indiana has a handgun license which is required, although you can buy a "lifetime handgun license" as a resident of Indiana, but they don't even check that.

How about enforcing the laws that limit the number of guns a person can purchase in a specific time period.

"The National Education Association’s Health Information Network, a non-profit organization that provides health and safety information to educators around the country, released a report on gun violence in schools in June 2005.

This report states that 20 out of 22 gun laws in the U.S. are NOT enforced. These laws included illegal gun trafficking, gun theft, corrupt gun dealers, lying on background checks, etc."
NEA Report

Indiana gun laws

Big Daddy said...

I thought you were referring to Chicago gun laws. But in any event,I urge you to reconsider your position on gun control. The only people that are that gun control has an impact on the law abiding citizens that are denied the right to self defense by their government. Gun control laws have no effect on the criminal. They will somehow obtain a gun. Remember, never trust a government that seeks to deny it's citizens the right to defend themselves.

Man On The Street said...

Well, I have to turn to the Indiana laws that the laws of other states because that's where the guys in Chicago (who are not law abiding) are getting their guns. And even the minimal laws of those states aren't being enforced.

so how do you propose getting the guns out of the hands of criminals without taking them from law abiding citizens?

Man On The Street said...

Remember, never trust a government that seeks to deny it's citizens the right to defend themselves.

BTW, the person I don't trust is the guy luring in the alley at night. At that moment, I don't really care about trusting the government.

As for my position on guns, I'm only speaking in admittedly Pollyanaish stance - I wish we didn't need guns at all. And overall I'm not in favor of them beyond hunting for food. I've been to an outdoor gun range to experience guns (I at least wanted to know something about what I was talking about) and shot semi-automatics, handguns, rifles, even a musket-thing you had to tamp the gunpower into (the guy who took me was a gun collector and a nice guy). I'm just opposed to them, that's all. But that being said, I see their value as self defense. But like I said, if everything was being done to keep them out of the hands of (at least most) gangbangers, etc., private citizens wouldn't need them as much either.

Big Daddy said...

Easy solution man on the street. Won't be popular with the "blame everybody else crowd" but here goes. Stop holding "objects" responsible for crime. Hold the person that USES the object accountable. And your right. When your walking past that alley at 2:00 in the morning and some thug is standing there, your government is the last thing on your mind. What should be on your mind is how are YOU going to protect yourself. If you can accomplish self preservation by "verbal judo", running away or calling the police, fine. But you, as a human being, should have the right to self defense, including self defense with a firearm. That right should not be denied by your government.
BTW, I hope you will notice that those that deny you that right are usually suurounded by a bunch of men in suits with sunglasses, earpieces and....... guns! So while your government tells YOU that YOU do not need or have the right to a firearm, THEY do have the means to self defense. How ironic and how unjust.

NRAMember said...

If the existing gun laws were tightly enforced you wouldn't have to worry about laws that prohibit "the rights of citizens to defend themselves" with a gun.


Let's say for the sake of discussion that you could rid the world of guns through "tightly enforced" gun control laws; how do you propose defending yourself against multiple unarmed attackers, when you are unarmed yourself?

Big Daddy: I wish that the politicians of our nation had the wisdom of you, Second City Cop, and Detective Shaved Longcock.

Man On The Street said...

Let's say for the sake of discussion that you could rid the world of guns through "tightly enforced" gun control laws;

Read what I wrote again. I never said "rid the world of guns through tightly enforced gun laws". I said I with we could have a world without guns. But since that ain't going to happen, we need to enforce the laws we do have, including background checks, etc. I'm not trying to take your gun away from you, just trying to make sure that you and everyone else has to jump through a few more hoops to get them. If you're on the up and up, you have no problems with that, right? And I'm sure you want all of the present gun laws regarding posession and purchasing to be fully enforced, right?

Man On The Street said...

Read what I wrote again. I never said "rid the world of guns through tightly enforced gun laws". I said I with we could have a world without guns.

That should have read "I sid I wish we could have a world without guns

Chip Bagg said...

I love my gun and I love my Jesus.

Big Daddy said...

Man on the street-

There is a women whose name I forget that lived in Texas. One fine day she decided to take her parents out for the day. They decided to stop at a McDonalds IIRC, for a little lunch. Because in Texas, while CCW is permitted, carrying into a restaurant is not so she left her gun in her car. Well guess what happened next. Some thug enters and ends up killing her parents. Now the laws of Texas had zero impact on the thug that killed her parents. But because the woman was a lawabiding citizen, when she complied with the law by leaving her gun in her car she in essence signed the death warrant of her parents. To this day she regrets obeying the law and feels that if she had broken the law they would be alive today.
Just some food for thought.

Man On The Street said...

Big daddy, I understand where you're coming from and respect that. But that scenario is not a good reason for not following the laws. if anything, if the laws were followed, that thug wouldn't have had that gun in the first place, whether he got it from a gun shop that didn't do a background check like he was supposed to, etc.

According to what I've read, Texas doesn't require background checks for guns bought at gun shows, swap meets or through newspaper ads. And they don't require people to register their guns either. Now how is demanding that the people of Texas be required to undergo a background check or register their guns keep law abiding citizens from having a gun? Again, if these things were required, who knows? Maybe that thug wouldn't have been able to get his hands on a gun in the first place. And for every story you can tell about some legal gun owner being hindered by the law, I can tell one about a guy legally owning guns and causing the death of innocent people. Or have you forgotten about NIU already?

There are people who drive without a license or insurance. By your logic, we should all ignore those laws and just do what we have to do because those laws won't save us in the event of a traffic accident.

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