Thursday, October 16, 2008

Soo Liquors 'Liquor License' Extended Through 2010

Despite all the bluster from our CAPS Beat 2431 program and Joe Moore, Soo Liquors continues to be a blight on the community. And will continue to be through 2010.
Location: 1420 W. Morse Ave.
Issue date: October 16, 2008
License type: Package Goods
Expiration date: October 15, 2010

Summary: On October 16, 2008, SOO & HAN INC was issued a business license of type "Package Goods." Soo is cleared by city officials to sell cheap booze to the street bums.
Just yesterday I heard a couple gang and drug dispersal's in front of 1420 West Morse.

The more things change - the more they stay the same.


Unknown said...

How is this possible? I thought that wee wee character was personally orchestrating the campaign to stop SOO!! How is this possible when wee wee was on the job?!?!? Where's the accountability????

Tom Mannis said...

Well Craig, et least you and me won't have to leave Rogers Park to get our 40 oz. bottles of Olde English and Colt 45

Mark Fletcher said...

I was hoping SOO would have their license revoked too... they must be laughing their asses off at us right now.

billyjoe said...

"I was hoping SOO would have their license revoked too... they must be laughing their asses off at us right now."

Actually, they are busy selling 40 oz beers to Tom Mannis to bring over to Craig's place.

Bosworth said...

Sandy's at Bosworth and Howard had their license renewed also. This comes after a raid a few months ago that netted items they were not licensed to sell and a loaded gun on the premises.

Add the drug dealings out front and the gangbangers that hang in the store and out front and you have another business on Howard Street that causes more trouble than it is worth.

Chip Bagg said...

Soo Liquors has done NOTHING ILLEGAL you morons. And they have passed city inspections designed to intimidate them. The thugs that hang out IN FRONT of the stores on ReMorse Ave are not welcome there. So why focus on the business community? Because they are easier to target and intimidate than the thugs. Leave the businesses alone! What will be the next directive out of central planning, comrades?

floss said...

A boy named Soo.

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