Monday, October 20, 2008

Sullivan Students Brawl in the Rain

3:06 PM: I guess the rain didn't stop the Sullivan Fight School students from brawling in the middle of the street at Lunt and Ashland. Police had been following the troublemakers for 20 minutes from Pratt and Ashland to Lunt. They expected this to happen - and it did.

4:21 PM: 69XX North Sheridan. Drug dealer is holding hostages.

424 PM: Battery in progress. 5 males and a female fighting on the Howard CTA platform. The female has a knife.


I heart the R.P. said...

Do you think that they actually called in the Helicopters? I saw saw one over Ashland headed north.

Anonymous said...

You mean the ghetto-bird?


Unknown said...

pimp my ghetto-bird...LOL

I heart the R.P. said...

I can maybe see a "ghetto-bird" for hostages. Makes more sense that for a gang fight, anyway.
It was like that day last summer of the good old First Commercial Bank robbery.

Man On The Street said...

So what's the deal with the lick-clockwork fighting at Sullivan every day? Gangs? A grudge fight? Somebody messed with somebody's woman? Oh, well, I guess we should look on the bright side. All of these fights and no one's been shot. Yet.

Or have they?

Isaac Marshall said...


I'm assuming you are getting this info via the scanner. Have you headed down there to witness these brawls? Would you consider posting photos to show the extent of the activity?

Razldazlrr said...

I would love to see what's going on too - these kids are definitely crazy - think of all the police resources they are using up for their idiocy. The police go and one of these kids gets yelled at or hurt and the police are in trouble. The police ignore their fights and someone gets hurt - the kids parents will be filing a lawsuit - the Police really can't win.

Craig Gernhardt said...

I listen to the scanner from work.

Anonymous said...

Craig, just out of curiousity. What do you do for a living, may i ask?

AvondaleLoganSquareCrimeBlotter said...

I feel embrassed for the actions of those kids since i'm a student of Sullivan but do not get involved with any of that stupid stuff (and can't because I live in the Avondale/Logan Square neighborhood but attend Sullivan for special reasons).

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