Monday, October 27, 2008

Time Killer

For a little fun click here. Then keep clicking. And clicking. Sound needed.


I heart the R.P. said...

Thanks for sharing.

Hillari said...

Heh, heh. . .that was a agood one.

Craig Gernhardt said...

I don't know if you noticed, clicking the door a few times gives different results.

And I love the bridge to nowhere.

Sticky Fingers said...

They update it every few days as new gaffes from the Palin camp come out.

I personally love the rifle that falls out of the curtain. Make sure to click on the door at least 5 times.

billyjoe said...

Sarah Palin is filled with the Holy Spirit. Everyone else wants to kill unborn babies.

Mark Fletcher said...

Laugh now, you godless communists, but you'll be laughing on the other side of your faces when Sarah Palin is president and you're standing in line at the local Department of Homeland Purity office for "re-education".

Mark Fletcher said...

So I guess the "Socialist Superstorm" is breaking next week, quickly followed by the suicide of the west.

Me? I'll be investing in a nice umbrella and a shotgun.

inside job said...

If Joe, Jane Fonda, and Rezko are for the other two, I have to support her and the veteran.

Tom Mannis said...

She's no smarter than you or me craig, Toodles, Tom Mannis

MadeInRogersPark said...

Whatever any of you do that read this blog get your fannie up and get out and vote----remember-----if you vote for the "in " party, there will be major may even have to join an organized religion or say certain prayers in school.....John McCain is ill with the tragic battle of melanoma ....look at his checks scraping to rebuild the jaw bone affected by cancer.....Sara Palin on the other hand is using her newborn who struggles daily with numberous difficulties...what is she saying about her new isn't hers ...she is going to auction off the clothes....for whose benefit??? Do any of you in the disabilities field know she cut the Alaska Special Olympics by $275,000!
Has anyone ever asked Sarah Palin what the duties of the mayor of Wasilla does?
For one the mayor sign checks on Thursdays! Come on - get educated!
But again, in the end, hopefully we remain friends as long as you VOTE!

Chip Bagg said...

I love Sarah. This is cute and I can take a joke. The Commie is no joke. I don't look forward to the United Socialist States of America.

Sticky Fingers said...

Seriously, leave the commie crap in the 1950's where it belongs. I suppose public schools and any other tax supported entity is socialist these days too.

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