Saturday, November 1, 2008

Another Failed Joe Moore Publicity Stunt

Clipped from the comments section.
Rogersparking said... "And Joe gets publicity for his "ban the eggs" effort. Unfortunately, it was just another waste of time by our stupid fucking alderman. Given the egg war zone in Rogers Park last night, let's just say his efforts were every bit as effective as the great foie gras ban.

I just don't know what this idiot does with his time all day or how he could possibly make less of an impact."
Blognotes: Last nights stunt ranked right up there with the great purse snatching of 2007. Question of the day. Can anyone really tell us what Joe Moore does to actually earn his outrageous pay besides coming up with crazy media attention grabbing stories that have ZERO impact on the 49th ward? Curious readers want to know.


YourChicagoFriend said...

I heard they were egging commuters exiting the Howard and Morse stations.

You showed 'em Joe!

Oh, and I had a wonderful meal of foie gras downtown last week.

inside job said...

Craig, why don't you run for alderman? I bet the mayor and others that don't like joe will support you.

Ryne said...

joey moore spends his time on how to save ducks, trrying to stop the war (remeber the story of joey going to the White House to drop off a petition to stop the war- that stunt help stop the war!!)

Yes joey thinks about ways to drum up media attention for himself, as well as telling liies to the people of the ward.

So to sum it up joey doesn't do a dam thing to earn his pay, which by the way while the city was looking to cut spending he (an other aldermen) voted himself an increase in his pay. That fat fuck moore is not going to tighten his belt to help out the city.

billyjoe said...

Based on what I've heard about Craig's behavior at public meetings, he has plus-minus skills for running for or holding public office. He's a over-reactionary curmudgeon who would easily make Joe Moore look as elegant as Barack Obama.

Morse Ave Group said...

Joe is in Iowa until the election. Didn't anyone get the email?

Amy R said...

Also, it didn't stop Joe from showing up at the Jarvis Square Halloween bash & taking credit for it even though it was the Rogers Park Parents Group and the local businesses that did all the brainstorming and work.
By the way, it was a wonderful time. Who knew that this neighborhood had so many kids (with great involved parents!) under the age of 5? We need more things like this to create a positive effect on this neighborhood!

Unknown said...

Too bad the Jarvis Square kids weren't encouraged to throw eggs at Joe.

bernard2424 said...

The "don't sell eggs to minor" program was in Police Beat 2424 ONLY. It was our project. Joe Moore was supportive of it, but it was NOT a 49th ward project.

Our patrols on Halloween were successful; the problem teens left here and went to other police beats were people aren't "debbie downers" and think egg throwing is "no big deal, just good fun."

Want to change your neighborhood, become a community organizer. Craig will label you a "debbie downer," but at least you won't be living in a hellhole.

sandy said...

billyjoe, why don't you run for alderman? It seems like you have all of the qualifications, stupidity; ignorance; and the ability to lie. You could display your know-it-all attitude and give all of your support to the criminal elements in the community. You would probably win with all of the sympathy votes that you would get for having a name like billyjoe.

Tom Mannis said...

You fail at everything you do, maybe some one should write a blog about it loser

BillyJoe'sBrain said...

billyjoe=a poo-flinging monkey

Razldazlrr said...

Moore has done idiocy in this city to try to be noticed - fois gras, Walmart etc - I see very little he actually does for the area he represents.

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