Thursday, November 13, 2008

Elderly Russian Lady has Purse Snatched on Morse

3:02 PM: An elderly lady who only spoke Russian was robbed this afternoon at the corner of Morse and Lakewood. After getting a translator, police found out they are looking for a male/black, who stands about 5 foot - 9 or 10 inches tall, who's about 20 years old, and wearing a blue jean jacket. Taken was a grey purse with $50 USC, ID's and all the valuable paperwork. A 'Flash' has been given out.


Anonymous said...

I love Morse!

BG said...

I wonder if it was the Russian lady that walks on Columbia in the red jacket 10 times a day? I think that would be way too far for her to walk......

Craig Gernhardt said...

I think the lady lives at 1250 West Morse. Here's a Chicago Journal police blotter story.

Police were working on robbery mission when they were flagged down by a 38-year-old pizza delivery driver on the 7300 block of N. Greenview. The victim told police that he had just been robbed of $150 by two men around 11:30 p.m. Nov. 3 and that both assailants were running westbound on Sherwin. He had just finished making a delivery when one of the men blocked the victim from getting back into his car. Both men beat the victim with a metal object until the victim handed over his wallet, the police report noted. Police chased the men to the 1600 block of W. Jarvis, where both ran through a gangway. One of the men was found hiding in a back yard and was positively identified by the victim as one of the alleged robbers. A police dog found the second man hiding on the same block. The second man was brought to St. Francis Hospital in Evanston, where he was positively identified by the victim, police said. The victim received 8 stitches for a head injury that he sustained after being beaten and robbed, according to the police report. Phillip Green, 18, of the 1400 block of W. Howard was charged with strong-arm robbery; the second man arrested is a 17-year-old juvenile. Both appeared in court on Nov. 10.

Craig Gernhardt said...

Crime is down. Right, Joe? Here's a couple more.

Police nab alleged robber

While working another robbery mission, police received a call of a robbery taking place on the 1600 block of W. Juneway around 8:15 p.m. Nov. 5. Police observed three men fitting the robbers' descriptions on the 1700 block of W. Juneway. As police approached the men, they fled through a gangway. Police circled the block and saw a man in his late teens running through another gangway on the same block. Police apprehended the man and took him back to the robbery scene, where he was positively identified by the 19-year-old victim. The victim said he was entering his residence when the man allegedly shoved a handgun in his face and said, "Shut-up or I'll shoot you." Two other men in their late teens grabbed the victim's arms and took a cellphone and wallet from his pockets, according to the police report. The victim's wallet was recovered on the scene. Police could not find the other two men, but Ronald Williams, 19, of the 800 block of Brummel in Evanston, was charged with armed robbery. No court information was available.

Man pummeled for bike

A 22-year-old man was pummeled for his bike on the 7000 block of N. Clark around 4:30 p.m. Nov. 4. The victim told police that he was getting on his bike when two boys in their mid-teens approached him. The boys punched the victim in the head causing him to fall to the ground. Both boys took the man's bike and fled eastbound on Greenview. The victim suffered a black eye but refused medical attention.

Razldazlrr said...

There is a senior citizen center right at that intersection on MOrse. The people from there take walks all the time. It's time to get these punks off our streets. Way too many losers hang out at that corner - I get a kick of the way they move to the far side or scatter around when I walk through with the dogs.

Razldazlrr said...

Does Moore ever address this crime issue?? Every time I send an email to the alderman's office I get a standard form response - "I will forward this to the Alderman for review" or some damn thing. Maybe they should arm all of the people in the senior citizen building with heavy duty mace!!

Chip Bagg said...

If we all get out our baseball bats and gather at the trouble spots, I sure we could have a much bigger "impact" than we do by whimpering and crying at the CAPS meetings. Moore is a moron and the police won't respond until it is too late.

Clark St. said...

Many, many years ago, Avram Davidson, a well known author of science-fiction & mysteries wrote a short story with the title, "The Crazy Old Lady".
In it, an old lady got fed up with her purse being snatched on Social Security check day, which is usually the Third of every month.
So she got out one of her late husband's war souvenirs, a white phosphorus hand grenade, placed it in the purse with a hole cut out & one end of a heavy string tied to the pin & the other end tied to her coat.
Then she went out for a walk.
Her purse was snatched & the snatcher met a very deserving end.
If I remember it correctly, she was arrested, but was sent to a mental hospital afterwords.

That's the way to end purse snatching!

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