Monday, November 10, 2008

Let's make the 49th Ward the COOLEST WARD in the city?

Hey, Joe. I got your email. You want to "reduce our carbon footprint right here in the 49th Ward?" Stop driving.
This is Joe Moore's gas-guzzler fuel bill for the first half of 2008.

CITGO 7138 N Sheridan Rd
Chicago, IL 60626
1/22/2008 Expenditure
Citizens for Joe Moore/ gas expense

CITGO 7138 N Sheridan Rd
Chicago, IL 60626
1/22/2008 Expenditure
Citizens for Joe Moore/ gas expense

CITGO 7138 N Sheridan Rd
Chicago, IL 60626
1/22/2008 Expenditure
Citizens for Joe Moore gas expense

CITGO 7138 N Sheridan Rd
Chicago, IL 60626
1/22/2008 Expenditure
Citizens for Joe Moore gas expense

CITGO 7138 N Sheridan Rd
Chicago, IL 60626
1/22/2008 Expenditure
Citizens for Joe Moore gas expense

CITGO 7138 N Sheridan Rd
Chicago, IL 60626
2/22/2008 Expenditure
Citizens for Joe Moore gas expense

CITGO 7138 N Sheridan Rd
Chicago, IL 60626
2/22/2008 Expenditure
Citizens for Joe Moore gas expense

CITGO 7138 N Sheridan Rd
Chicago, IL 60626
2/22/2008 Expenditure
Citizens for Joe Moore gas expense

CITGO 7138 N Sheridan Rd
Chicago, IL 60626
2/22/2008 Expenditure
Citizens for Joe Moore gas expense

CITGO 7138 N Sheridan Rd
Chicago, IL 60626
2/22/2008 Expenditure
Citizens for Joe Moore gas expense

CITGO 7138 N Sheridan Rd
Chicago, IL 60626
3/23/2008 Expenditure
Citizens for Joe Moore gas expense

CITGO 7138 N Sheridan Rd
Chicago, IL 60626
3/23/2008 Expenditure
Citizens for Joe Moore gas expense

CITGO 7138 N Sheridan Rd
Chicago, IL 60626
3/23/2008 Expenditure
Citizens for Joe Moore gas expense

CITGO 7138 N Sheridan Rd
Chicago, IL 60626
3/23/2008 Expenditure
Citizens for Joe Moore gas expense

CITGO 7138 N Sheridan Rd
Chicago, IL 60626
4/22/2008 Expenditure
Citizens for Joe Moore gas expense

CITGO 7138 N Sheridan Rd
Chicago, IL 60626
4/22/2008 Expenditure
Citizens for Joe Moore gas expense

CITGO 7138 N Sheridan Rd
Chicago, IL 60626
5/22/2008 Expenditure
Citizens for Joe Moore gas expense

CITGO 7138 N Sheridan Rd
Chicago, IL 60626
5/22/2008 Expenditure
Citizens for Joe Moore gas expense

CITGO 7138 N Sheridan Rd
Chicago, IL 60626
5/22/2008 Expenditure
Citizens for Joe Moore gas expense

CITGO 7138 N Sheridan Rd
Chicago, IL 60626
5/22/2008 Expenditure
Citizens for Joe Moore/gas expense

CITGO 7138 N Sheridan Rd
Chicago, IL 60626
6/22/2008 Expenditure
Citizens for Joe Moore/gas expense

CITGO 7138 N Sheridan Rd
Chicago, IL 60626
6/22/2008 Expenditure
Citizens for Joe Moore /gas expense

CITGO 7138 N Sheridan Rd
Chicago, IL 60626
6/22/2008 Expenditure
Citizens for Joe Moore /gas expense
Start peddling. Take the CTA. Lead by example. Otherwise, shut the fuck up!


Craig Gernhardt said...

49th ward leaves a big carbon footprint at the tax payers expense. DevCorp's Huge Gas Guzzler.

Craig Gernhardt said...

Is this reducing our carbon footprint, Joe?

Budget Rent-a-Car P.O.Box 66047
Chicago, IL 60666 $65.58
1/22/2008 Expenditure
Citizens for Joe Moore car rental expense

Budget Rent-a-Car P.O.Box 66047
Chicago, IL 60666 $333.10
1/22/2008 Expenditure
Citizens for Joe Moore car rental expense

Budget Rent-a-Car P.O.Box 66047
Chicago, IL 60666 $251.99
2/22/2008 Expenditure
Citizens for Joe Moore car rental expense

Budget Rent-a-Car P.O.Box 66047
Chicago, IL 60666 $50.80
2/22/2008 Expenditure
Citizens for Joe Moore rental car expense

Budget Rent-a-Car P.O.Box 66047
Chicago, IL 60666 $188.09
6/30/2008 Expenditure
Citizens for Joe Moore Truck for Parade

Craig Gernhardt said...

Joe gives and Joe receives.

Spyropoulos, Theodore
Occupation: owner
Employer: petroleum company
2155 W. 80th
Chicago, IL 60620
6/18/2008 Individual Contribution
Citizens for Joe Moore

I heart the R.P. said...

There you go with the poop again, Craig :D

Must admit, the Joe flags are pretty funny though.

Man On The Street said...

So why are all the dates either the 22 or 23 of the month? Is that the day the budgets/accounting is due? It's not the day of the acutal fillups is it?

Levois said...

That's exactly how you put a man's foot to the fire Craig. :-P

The North Coast said...

No wonder he and his wife are so fat.

He lives two blocks from his office in the ward, and two blocks from the Jarvis el stop. Do you ever take the train downtown, Joe?

He makes trips by car to suburban retail outlets to buy small quantities of office supplies, that could be ordered up ahead for pickup downtown.

Hey, Joe, time to start leading by example. But that's the problem with so many of the leading "environmentalists" like Saint Al Gore and Rocky Mountain Institute's Andrew Lovens. These people find it really easy to preach to the rest of us the error of our wasteful ways while leaving a mastadon-sized carbon footprint.

Our "green" mayor, another leading enviro-hypocrite, could really make a difference by eliminating city-paid autos and auto expenses for our aldercreatures and their staffs. These people live in their wards close to their ward offices, and can take public transit downtown. If they want to waste fuel, let it be out of their own pockets, not the taxpayer's dime.

Craig Gernhardt said...

Thanks, Levois. Here's the entire email.

Combat Global Warming in the 49th Ward

Dear Neighbor,

The increasing concentration of carbon dioxide in our earth's atmosphere has led many scientists to conclude that we hover dangerously close to a tipping point that could trigger abrupt climate change.

It doesn't have to be that way.

Barack Obama's recent election shows just how much ordinary people can accomplish when they organize at the grassroots level. Let's keep the momentum going, and work together to reduce our carbon footprint right here in the 49th Ward!

Join your neighbors for food, drinks and lively conversation at the "GLOBAL WARMING CAFE," Tuesday, November 11th, 7:00 - 9:00 p.m., at the No Exit Cafe, 6970 N. Glenwood (just steps from the Morse El).

Sponsored by the Eco-Justice Collaborative, the Global Warming Cafe will give those of us concerned about climate change an opportunity to talk about what global warming means to each of us--as individuals and as a community. You'll hear about David Gershon's Low Carbon Diet and the Chicago Cool Challenge--programs designed to help you lower your carbon footprint, while saving you money at home, work and on the road.

Starting today, we can take steps in our own lives that will immediately reduce carbon emissions. Then we can organize our neighbors, businesses, schools and communities of faith to advocate for policies that meaningfully reduce greenhouse gas emissions at the local, state and federal levels.

It's time to get started. Let's make the 49th Ward the COOLEST WARD in the city!

Admission is FREE but space is limited, so please RSVP at, or call the Eco-Justice Collaborative at 773-556-3417.


Joe Moore

floss said...

Joe needs a footprint on his butt.

floss said...

Joe the bummer.

been there said...

umm. you know that barack guy that everyone was just drooling apart? do you know how he got to be the president? try- thank joe moore. how many of you drove any miles at all to get him elected? let alone practically every fucking saturday for the last 2 years? those bills are for people carpooling to iowa, indiana, etc. gas, vans, busses. saturday after saturday.
anybody here happy that we have a democratically elected f'ing awesome president?
thank joe moore.

The North Coast said...

Well, Mo, I sent in quite a few dollars to get him elected.

Since I can't support a car and still save any money, I can't drive people to events, sorry.

Sorry, that won't cut it for an excuse. It's well know that your idol drives his damn car two blocks to work and many more miles to suburban stores to shop.

been there said...

there was plenty of room for you on the bus.

Razldazlrr said...

yea joe - how about taking the L? Your office has told me time and time again how safe the stops are. Why don't you jump on instead of driving on the taxpayer dime?

Razldazlrr said...

north coast - wow do I agree with you on that one - these wonderful politicians tell us to live "green" while they don't live what they preach.
craig - need to show up at his meeting and ask about his gas bills and wondering why he doesn't take the L!

floss said...

If Joe rides the El, he has a fifty-fifty chance of sitting next to a constituent who is very unhappy with him.

That could be a long and painful conversation which Joe might be avoiding.

MadeInRogersPark said...

The real reason Joe doesn't take the 'smell' is because he doesn't like the odor of urine so early in the morning - anyone here been to the Jarvis smell at 6:30 AM
Always Fresh!
Always Urine!

Oh well, when there is no smell,
maybe there will be
no 'el'
when you hear the bell
just think no smell!
My poetry isn't great but in 2008
it sure beats the smell at the Jarvis 'el'!

CNB said...

Not only is Moore a damned hypocrite, so are his lying stooges at DevCorp:

"DevCorp North members work to protect the environment," says the headline on page one of the Summer 2008 DevCorp Journal.

Bullshit! How's the mileage on DevCorp North's shiny new Ford F250 pickup truck? (Hint: The mileage is probably UNDER 15 mpg, which is horrible by any standard. This is no "green machine.") See photos of the gas guzzler at

floss said...

Citgo belongs to the U.S. hating Hugo Chavez.

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