Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Sullivan High School Students Brawl in Street

2:58 PM: Battery in progress. Nearly 30 Sullivan High School students start a huge melee at the corner of Pratt and Ashland. Police arrive and put two on the hood near Farwell and Ashland. The rest of the high school brawlers split in multiple directions. Without constant baby-sitting, flare-ups are sure to happen.
Sullivan High School Kid said...> "There is a fight almost, if not, every day. At least we have a police room at school, which is a really great thing. And better yet, my homeroom is right next to it, so I feel safe in my homeroom.
3:17 PM: Gang dispersal. Dispersing 2 at 6800 North Ashalnd. Event #10617.

3:47 PM: Gang dispersal. Dispersing 6 at 7000 North Ashland. Event #11269.


Man On The Street said...

So what if they said nobody leaves the school until their parent(s) comes and get them, for "safety" purposes? Would that be against the law?

sandy said...

When school lets out, kids are walking in every direction. Is it only the kids walking north that are always fighting? I never hear anything bad about the kids walking in the other directions. I know that most of the problem kids that always walk north are mostly from the Jonquil area. I see them walking up Ashland and across Howard into the jungle everyday.

AvondaleLoganSquareCrimeBlotter said...

To Sandy: It seems to be that way, but it might also be the kids coming from the northwest/west, but i'm not really sure on that since I don't know alot of people yet at school.

To man on the street: Me and 23 other students are in the autism (aka special ed room) classroom at the school, so we, in my class, have to leave (at 2:30) because most of us really don't have any way to get home besides school bus. We, fortunely, don't brawl because we're out of there before the rest of those kids and we're on a bus on the way home. We also don't have anything to fight about, so that's better.

By the way, I sort of knew this was going to happen since I saw a cop talking to some girl in the school today, and this girl was in trouble.

Anonymous said...

fun times!

inside job said...

Sandy, do you think your fellow obama supporters would condone using the term "jungle" in refering to north of howard?

sandy said...

inside job: yes, I think Obama would object to the phase "JUNGLE". I always objected to the phase myself, but that is what the long time residents of that area call it, and I was just using their phase. Sorry! I also object to the uptown area being called "Hillbilly Heaven", but let's be honest, people will always call it that, no matter how many luxury condo's are built there.

Big Daddy said...

Man on the street-
a good idea but what do you do when the parent refuses to pick their kids up? Many of these parents cannot do that because of their employers. Let's face it. Schools are nothing more than baby sitting stations for some parents. Education is secondary. And let's talk about those same parents belonging to a gang themselves. I've seen the parents fighting at schools also over gang nonsense.

Some schools dismiss there children at staggered times. We shoo them along and try to get them out of the area as quickly as possible. But because that involves different city agencies most of whom are not too co-operative most of the time, that is sometimes easier said than done. As an example, there is a bus stop right in front of a library on a certain street. Of course the kids go there and wait for the bus which is usually late or already over crowded. Of course there usually are huge fights. It's a focal point for the kids. I have been trying for years to get that bus stop moved a block down so that the NORMAL people that want to use the library without getting caught up in this fighting nonsense, can. The CTA however is slower moving than the CPD. They won't move the bus stop. I've talked to them about staging the buses at dismissal time. Get the kids on the bus and back home. Out of the area. No dice. And now here comes the kicker. There are a substanial amount of educators at CPS who are unsympathtic to your problems and mine. They don't care about what happens outside of school or after school. It's not their problem. Talking to them is like talking to a brick wall. It amazes me how some of these people have so much education and so little common sense.

Hillari said...

"There are a substanial amount of educators at CPS who are unsympathtic to your problems and mine. They don't care about what happens outside of school or after school. It's not their problem. Talking to them is like talking to a brick wall. It amazes me how some of these people have so much education and so little common sense."

Big Daddy, my mom and I said that same thing when I was going to Chicago Public Schools. Things have not changed, I see.

rogerspark60645 said...

I went to a CPS too (Sauganash). The teachers didn't care about fights after school either. They just said they wanted things handled off of school grounds. I know because one time I had to defend my little sister's honor...and it was handled.

Craig Gernhardt said...

Here's an suggestion. Parents can do what Joe Moore does. Send their kids as far away from Sullivan Gang Training Center as possible.

Big Daddy said...

They made three arrests from this incident yesterday.

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