Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Where Was Joe Moore?

South Of Pratt said... Joe’s constant theme at the meeting was that he needs community help to reduce crime. Where was the help from our leaders at the appeal hearing for El Mexicano’s new liquor license? 14 neighbors testified against this new license. No one from the alderman’s office or the police department showed up at the hearing.


Craig Gernhardt said...

As you mentioned here, I mentioned in the meeting, I've tried and tried and tried to help. Joe just ignores the community needs until it's too late.

Then he starts to point fingers. He's good at finger pointing and blaming others for his neglect.

Safety walks. Been there - done that.

Going to court and helping out in the court advocacy program. Ditto.

CAPS. Been to too many poorly run meetings to count.

So, Joe Moore, Mr. new Commander. Don't look at me and ask for help. I've given and given. Now it's your turn to help.

Joe, you organize a series of safety walks.

Razldazlrr said...

You have to wonder what Moore does on a daily basis to warrent his huge salary. I would love to see a copy of his weekly calendar.

2good4u2 said...

In the Old Town Neighborhood, they used to have this bar called the
Tequilla Road House, location was on Wells and Eugenie. The residents were able to vote "just that address dry". This is what the residents should to to el mexicano

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