Thursday, December 11, 2008

Caption Contest

Let's have a little fun.... shall we??? It's caption contest time.


Mark Fletcher said...

"I Mayor Quimby, do solemly swear..."

Craig Gernhardt said...

Pssst, hun... if you don't actually touch the fuckin' book, you'll still go to heaven. That's what daddy says....

SouthOfPratt said...

"Don't I have nice hair?"

Craig Gernhardt said...

Patti, close your eyes sweetie. I'm going to lie when I put my hand on the Holy Bible.

Tom Mannis said...

He's saying, Craig, you're next

citizenrp said...

We're almost there Patti!... fuck yeah, that's it....that's it....they don't call me G-Rod for nothin'!!!

Craig Gernhardt said...

"Do you swear to tell the truth, nothing but the truth, so help you god....."

Fuck yeah, baby.....

floss said...

she's thinking
..ohh my God..that big bird just crapped on my head.

floss said...

wow ...maybe Lincoln himself swore on this very bible......ooh I could get serious coin for it on Ebay.

Fargo Woman said...

I, PayRod, do solemnly swear that I will undermine the Constitutions of the United States and the State of Illinois, and that I will,
according to my need, connections and personal financial and career goals, faithlessly, and subjectively perform only the duties enjoined on me as governor for the State of Illinois in the United States of America that benefit me, my cronies and those who are willing to pay for play in accordance with my best self interests, and
that I will do everything in my power to block, frustrate and otherwise inhibit any worthwhile, productive or constructive advancements either legislatively or by executive order that do not directly enhance my personal gain, goals or ambition, so help me God……


Gunga Dean said... solemnly swear, to uphold and exceed the high standards of ethical conduct set by my predecessors in this great State of Illinois...

Fargo Woman said...

Craig, my vote (not that I have one, this IS YOUR blog, afterall) goes to Gunga Dean.

So, what is the prize anyway?


AvondaleLoganSquareCrimeBlotter said...

Patti: *thinking* I can't believe I'm letting my father do this.
Rod: And I swear on this bible to the state of -- *his hand he's got in the air hits him the face* OWWW!!! I HIT MY NOSE!! Patti, I think I'm bleeding. Get me a tissue please?

fedup dem said...

Patti, I'm glad this is an imitation Bible. If it were a real one, I would burst into flames when my hand touched it!

ortis said...

Patti:"Look like the innocent flower, but be the serpent under."

Rod: "I dare do all that may become a man. Who dares do more is none."

Patrick (off stage):"By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes."

Credits: Will Shakespeare

floss said...

No no Rod, raise your hand nice honey.

Remember, we don't do "Mr. Hitler Time" in public.

I heart the R.P. said... solemnly swear to uphold the tradition of Illinois Governors and eventually go to the big house for a long, long time.

Edgewater Crime Blotter said...

Rod, I distinctly remember telling you to get a manicure before the inauguration, and you said you had.

Are you lying to me?

E! said...

"Do you swear to sell the seat, the whole seat, and nothing but the seat?" I Do.

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